[Game] Hades Revisited [0.15.5]

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[Game] Hades Revisited [0.15.5]

by Wuzzy » Post

You have stranded on the planet Hades. Use your limited supplies to survive and use terraforming to create a beautiful habitable place.

There's no goal in this game. There's a strong focus on creativity, terraforming and digging. This game is very different from other games, it's not for everyone. ;-)

WARNING: EARLY TEST VERSION! This game is still in the design phase, so future updates might be incompatible.
HR1.jpg (70.93 KiB) Viewed 14572 times
HR2.jpg (85.85 KiB) Viewed 14572 times
Known important bugs
  • Water pipes sometimes keep their water forever after you turned off all the pumps. Workaround: Dig up all the pipes. The pipe system is subject to a complete rewrite.
Preferred: Download the game from the Content DB.

Alternatively, you can download the game here:
Hades Revisited (0.15.5) (for Minetest 5.6.0 or later)
Old game versions:
Hades Revisited (0.15.2) (for Minetest 5.4.0)
Hades Revisited (0.13.0) (for Minetest 5.4.0)
Hades Revisited (0.12.0) (for Minetest 5.4.0)
Hades Revisited (0.11.0) (for Minetest 5.4.0)
Hades Revisited (0.10.0) (for Minetest 5.4.0)
Hades Revisited (0.9.2) (for Minetest 5.4.0)
Hades Revisited (0.8.3) (for Minetest 5.3.0)
Hades Revisited (0.4.4) (for Minetest 5.2.0)
Hades Revisited (0.3.0) (for Minetest 5.0.0)
Hades Revisited (0.2.4) (for Minetest 0.4.16 and 0.4.17)

This game is a direct successor / fork of one of my favourite games, Minetest Hades by Glünggi. Most changes have been made to update very outdated things and do various quality updates and use more modern features of Minetest.

Useful links:
This game is free software. It has been licensed under these licenses:
  • GNU LGPLv2.1 (or later) for the code
  • CC BY-SA 3.0 for the media
Some mods have separate licenses:
  • hades_furniture: GPLv2
  • travelnet: GPLv3
  • bags: New BSD License
  • hades_bedrock: zlib license
  • signs_lib: LGPLv3
  • mesecons (entire modpack): LGPLv3 for code, CC BY-SA 3.0 for media
  • hades_bushes: MIT License for code, CC BY-SA 4.0 for media
Sorry for the mess, I might clean it up later.
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Last edited by Wuzzy on Sun Feb 11, 2024 11:38, edited 58 times in total.

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Re: [Game] Hades Revisited [0.1.0]

by Chem871 » Post

I was just checking out the first Hades subgame yesterday, lulz.
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Re: [Game] Hades Revisited [0.1.0]

by azekill_DIABLO » Post

thanks for reviving it! the idea of terraforming is really original!
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Re: [Game] Hades Revisited [0.1.0]

by Chem871 » Post

I can't remember the name of the extra furnace here, but it's supposed to cook faster than a normal furnace, how would I code my own set of unique furnaces to cook faster?
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Version 0.2.0 released!

by Wuzzy » Post

Today I release version 0.2.0.


  • 3D flower pots (flowerpots mod by D00med)
  • You can now place flowers, saplings, leaves and cacti into flower pots
  • 3D torches
  • Add complete set of birch wood-related blocks
  • Add missing leaves into creative inventory
  • Tweak selection boxes of a few blocks
  • Fix some incorrect sign textures
  • Remove inventory_plus mod
  • Toilets and table lamps are now be triggered by rightclick instead of punching
  • Wall lamps are now called “attached lamp” and can be placed on any side
  • Remove ceiling lamp and column corner lamp
I also added license information in the 1st post (don't worry, it's free software).

This game should be pretty stable at this moment, but please report any bugs you find in this thread!

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Re: [Game] Hades Revisited [0.2.0]

by GamingAssociation39 » Post

Would it be possible to a stripped version of Ma & Pop's Furniture Mod?
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Re: [Game] Hades Revisited [0.2.0]

by azekill_DIABLO » Post

That funny Wuzzy, we give you any concept and it looks good and professionnal. Give me something to work on and it's a mess in twelve minutes.
Gone, but not dead. Contact me on discord: azekill_DIABLO#6565
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Re: [Game] Hades Revisited [0.2.0]

by dareczek » Post

Which version of Minetest is required? 0.4.16 (i have this one) or 0.5 dev
Game crash after 30 second.
Long log

Code: Select all

2018-01-07 13:12:46: WARNING[Main]: BanManager: creating E:\Instalacje\M-test\minetest-0.4.16-win32-msvc\bin\..\worlds\lava\ipban.txt
2018-01-07 13:12:46: WARNING[Main]: NodeDefManager: Ignoring CONTENT_IGNORE redefinition
2018-01-07 13:12:46: ACTION[Main]: hb.register_hudbar: health
2018-01-07 13:12:46: ACTION[Main]: hb.register_hudbar: breath
2018-01-07 13:12:47: ACTION[Main]: [MOD] Mobs Redo loaded
2018-01-07 13:12:47: ACTION[Main]: [signs_lib] Registered default:fence_wood and signs:sign_post
2018-01-07 13:12:47: ACTION[Main]: [MOD]bags -- loaded from E:\Instalacje\M-test\minetest-0.4.16-win32-msvc\bin\..\games\hades_revisited\mods\bags
2018-01-07 13:12:48: ACTION[Main]: hb.register_hudbar: satiation
2018-01-07 13:12:49: ACTION[Main]: [Plantlife Library] Loaded
2018-01-07 13:12:49: ACTION[Main]: [vines] Loaded!
2018-01-07 13:12:49: ACTION[Main]: [Poison Ivy] Loaded.
2018-01-07 13:12:49: ACTION[Main]: [Flowers] Loaded.
2018-01-07 13:12:49: ACTION[Main]: [OK] Mesecons
2018-01-07 13:12:49: ACTION[Main]: Pipeworks loaded!
2018-01-07 13:13:11: WARNING[Main]: /!\ You are using old player file backend. This backend is deprecated and will be removed in next release /!\
2018-01-07 13:13:11: WARNING[Main]: Switching to SQLite3 or PostgreSQL is advised, please read http://wiki.minetest.net/Database_backends.
2018-01-07 13:13:11: ACTION[Main]:         .__               __                   __   
2018-01-07 13:13:11: ACTION[Main]:   _____ |__| ____   _____/  |_  ____   _______/  |_ 
2018-01-07 13:13:11: ACTION[Main]:  /     \|  |/    \_/ __ \   __\/ __ \ /  ___/\   __\
2018-01-07 13:13:11: ACTION[Main]: |  Y Y  \  |   |  \  ___/|  | \  ___/ \___ \  |  |  
2018-01-07 13:13:11: ACTION[Main]: |__|_|  /__|___|  /\___  >__|  \___  >____  > |__|  
2018-01-07 13:13:11: ACTION[Main]:       \/        \/     \/          \/     \/        
2018-01-07 13:13:11: ACTION[Main]: World at [E:\Instalacje\M-test\minetest-0.4.16-win32-msvc\bin\..\worlds\lava]
2018-01-07 13:13:11: ACTION[Main]: Server for gameid="hades_revisited" listening on
2018-01-07 13:13:27: WARNING[Main]: Irrlicht: PNG warning: Interlace handling should be turned on when using png_read_image
2018-01-07 13:13:27: WARNING[Main]: Irrlicht: PNG warning: Interlace handling should be turned on when using png_read_image
2018-01-07 13:13:31: WARNING[Main]: Irrlicht: PNG warning: Interlace handling should be turned on when using png_read_image
2018-01-07 13:13:33: WARNING[Main]: Irrlicht: PNG warning: Interlace handling should be turned on when using png_read_image
2018-01-07 13:13:50: ACTION[Server]: Giving initial stuff to player singleplayer
2018-01-07 13:13:50: ACTION[Server]: singleplayer [] joins game. 
2018-01-07 13:13:50: ACTION[Server]: singleplayer joins game. List of players: singleplayer
2018-01-07 13:13:51: WARNING[Main]: Irrlicht: Could not open file of texture: character.png
2018-01-07 13:13:51: WARNING[Main]: Irrlicht: Could not open file of texture: character.png
2018-01-07 13:14:05: WARNING[Server]: active block modifiers took 261ms (longer than 200ms)
2018-01-07 13:14:07: WARNING[Server]: active block modifiers took 291ms (longer than 200ms)
2018-01-07 13:14:07: WARNING[Server]: active block modifiers took 273ms (longer than 200ms)
2018-01-07 13:14:08: WARNING[Server]: active block modifiers took 247ms (longer than 200ms)
2018-01-07 13:14:09: WARNING[Server]: active block modifiers took 365ms (longer than 200ms)
2018-01-07 13:14:10: WARNING[Server]: active block modifiers took 241ms (longer than 200ms)
2018-01-07 13:14:21: WARNING[Server]: active block modifiers took 857ms (longer than 200ms)
2018-01-07 13:14:22: WARNING[Server]: active block modifiers took 219ms (longer than 200ms)
2018-01-07 13:14:23: WARNING[Server]: active block modifiers took 496ms (longer than 200ms)
2018-01-07 13:14:27: WARNING[Server]: active block modifiers took 508ms (longer than 200ms)
2018-01-07 13:14:30: WARNING[Server]: active block modifiers took 252ms (longer than 200ms)
2018-01-07 13:14:34: WARNING[Server]: active block modifiers took 534ms (longer than 200ms)
2018-01-07 13:14:38: WARNING[Server]: active block modifiers took 421ms (longer than 200ms)
2018-01-07 13:14:47: WARNING[Server]: active block modifiers took 4153ms (longer than 200ms)
2018-01-07 13:15:02: WARNING[Server]: Undeclared global variable "name" accessed at ...c\bin\..\games\hades_revisited\mods\rebeds/functions.lua:19
2018-01-07 13:15:02: ERROR[Main]: ServerError: AsyncErr: ServerThread::run Lua: Runtime error from mod 'rebeds' in callback ScriptApiPlayer::on_leaveplayer(): ...c\bin\..\games\hades_revisited\mods\rebeds/functions.lua:19: table index is nil
2018-01-07 13:15:02: ERROR[Main]: stack traceback:
2018-01-07 13:15:02: ERROR[Main]: 	...c\bin\..\games\hades_revisited\mods\rebeds/functions.lua:19: in function <...c\bin\..\games\hades_revisited\mods\rebeds/functions.lua:18>
2018-01-07 13:15:02: ERROR[Main]: 	...etest-0.4.16-win32-msvc\bin\..\builtin\game\register.lua:412: in function <...etest-0.4.16-win32-msvc\bin\..\builtin\game\register.lua:392>

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0.2.1 is here!

by Wuzzy » Post

Hades Revisited is only tested for Minetest 0.4.16. I don't go after the bleeding edge.

And yes, I screwed up badly. Here's a bugfix release. Thanks for reporting!
Version 0.2.1 is here!

  • Fix stupid crash in rebeds mod.
  • Update licensing information in the readme files
  • Remove unused external_legacy mod
  • Change description of flower pots with flowers
The Ma & Pop's Furniture Mod looks very interesting. It keep this one in mind.

I haven't said it earlier, but creative building will be a big part of the subgame. So adding decorations of all sorts is a nice idea.

Note this subgame currently uses the 3dforniture mod (viewtopic.php?t=2207) for the furniture and it includes some chairs, tables and other stuff. I don't really like the design of this mod. Maybe I replace some parts of it later.

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Re: [Game] Hades Revisited [0.2.1]

by 17xf » Post

Thank you for this awesome game!

It makes so much fun to see the nature flourishing after the hard work. :D

My current map:
I just started to terraform the big plane in the middle of the map. I hope in some days I can upload a little timelapse of the map evolution...

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Version 0.2.2

by Wuzzy » Post

Version 0.2.2 is here!

  • Fix possible crash when searching in creative inventory
  • Rename most vine-related items and blocks for better consistency
  • Improve display of vine group in crafting guide
  • Rename “subgame” to “game” everywhere

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Re: [Game] Hades Revisited [0.2.2]

by GamingAssociation39 » Post

Any chance of getting the furniture mod added?
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Re: [Game] Hades Revisited [0.2.2]

by rubenwardy » Post

This feels rather shallow to me. This is a rather exciting topic to make a game on, yet it basically feels just like Minetest Game with this fancy mechanic and nothing else. This essentially a Player vs Environment game, but doesn't touch on any of the interesting stuff such as water sanitation, diseases, radiation, or such. It would be good to have a mod like Unlockable Crafting when it's done, to slowly reveal craft recipes.

I didn't understand how to make fertile sand to start with, and the craft guide wasn't much help. I eventually realised you had to click to show alternatives. Ideally there should be a quest thing on the screen which tells you what to do

Anyway, I guess that's why it's a WIP? Hopefully this stuff will be added at some point
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Re: [Game] Hades Revisited [0.2.2]

by Wuzzy » Post

I mostly agree. The game is still lacking in content. It's not as terribly shallow as Minetest Game, but still you hit the end of the tech tree eventually. I totally agree that more depth is a must.
The mechanics are also definitely NOT final.

It's still a young game (technically) and still not polished. It's also currently not my priority project. Consider this an experiment.
In the current stage, Hades Revisited is playable, but only for you if you're a creative builder and want to build in an unfamiliar setting. Or you just like to dig a lot. That's it. But this might change.

The vision of the original Minetest Hades game was to create a terraforming sandbox, so the creativity aspect is one big goal here. Survival/challenge is secondary.

The gameplay idea of Minetest Hades was that you unlock more and more technologies to build stuff with. That's also roughly the idea of Hades Revisited.

I don't have a solid plan for this sandbox yet, but a few rough ideas floating around.
I plan to make major expansions to the underground and digging aspect. This part is a big one. I want Hades Revisited to have the most varied and interesting underground to play with.

Later I also plan to make major expansions to the nature aspect. In general it should be harder to grow trees and obtaining a new tree species should be a huge deal.
I also might want to experiment with mobs, but later.
Another idea is to eventually focus much more on technology. I'm leaning towards a complete rework of the crafting mechanic, crafting in general should be more difficult, in this kind of game you should NOT be able to craft everything in the same menu.
I'm also thinking about unique tools or supertools which allow you to dig, build or manipulate many blocks at once, to emphasize the “terraforming” aspect more. But those supertools require a lot of technology first.

I'm not sure whether to keep Mesecons and Pipeworks or maybe to use something entirely different.
I also like to rework some of the existing decorative nodes, especially furniture, to be more consistent. I also like to to have a more industrial/sci-fi “theme”.
I also probably should think of a good multiplayer mechanic early on as I noticed the idea of this game is very similar to JT2, in which players started in an all-stone world and built entire cities from nothing!

Other ideas are some teleportation networks (not cheap), space stations, vehicles, maybe even asteroid layers (for the late game and valueable ores), and the like.

A help system is still lacking as the help texts still need to be written.

A lot of my ideas are not final and I don't even know if this project will ever be finished.
Last edited by Wuzzy on Wed Apr 04, 2018 00:10, edited 4 times in total.

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Re: [Game] Hades Revisited [0.2.2]

by rubenwardy » Post

I agree that this should be technology focused - that's why I mentioned stuff like radiation/diseases and such, there's technology needed there to survive it.

You could also make technology required to settle in harder areas which vary from the spawn area (maybe the spawn area has no radiation for some reason?) and these harder areas have resources which are useful for more tech, such as automation

To me this feels like an Mars terraforming thing, so lots of technology is good. The Martian is quite a good film which could provide some inspiration.
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Re: [Game] Hades Revisited [0.2.2]

by PEAK » Post

Having played this game for some weeks I like many aspects which are different from Minetest Game and many other [del]sub[/del]Games:
  • Turning lava into water is very satisfying ;)
  • Many of the accumulating materials can be "compressed" into "blocks" -- needs less storage, and they are very decorative too.
  • Weak torches are a little bit frustrating at the beginnig, but perhaps later you don't want every place lit up so bright.
  • Different hardness of ores.
  • Some things are very hard to obtain: marble, obsidian.
  • Farming is easy because of the amount of water (see above).
  • Burned stone as indicator for lava behind it makes mining a bit more safe.
  • Lower gravity.
  • Lack of buckets is an interesting feature.
I don't appreciate:
  • Not able to skip the night in bed -- maybe two sorts of beds?
  • The mobs could be more diverse and the wooden tools they drop should be burnable fuel. OK, there is a trash can...
  • Placing of upside-down stairs and slabs should follow the standard of minetest game, it's cumbersome.
  • Some textures may be reworked. Gravel is too vibrant, glowglass is ugly...
Minor issues:
  • Two recipes are missing: prism furnace, mesecon torch.
  • Seeds grow random crops (mainly spice) if left alone while they have not yet reached stage 1.
  • Lava can be simply blocked by torches -- too easy.
  • Something to cure the mutants. So they may become villagers.
  • "Crafting" a sort of animals... or robots at least.
  • After some time the world (over- and underground) gets very repetitive though. More variety is welcome.
I am okay with using the screenshots in all my posts for the website of Minetest (http://minetest.net).

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Re: [Game] Hades Revisited [0.2.2]

by Noodlemire » Post

PEAK wrote:Ideas:
  • Something to cure the mutants. So they may become villagers.
This. The game currently lets you get an absurd amount of food, among all the other materials and terrain. It'd make a lot more sense to be doing what you can in the game if you have more than one person to account for.

A question of my own though, what's with apple/strawberry pie? In both cases, the ingredients needed to make either are more filling than the products instead (at least if you factor in cooking the flour instead to get bread (+3)). It feels like there's no point to making these.

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Re: [Game] Hades Revisited [0.2.2]

by Quiark » Post

This is the 2nd game I'm playing with Minetest. I quite like the idea - survival + terraforming.

The idea of transforming lava source into water is a bit crazy but ok :)

I may make a pull request about the ability to burn wooden tools :)

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Re: [Game] Hades Revisited [0.2.2]

by Quiark » Post

Oh and any idea why my potatoes, tomatos don't grow past the first stage? It's been at least five in-game days.

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Re: [Game] Hades Revisited [0.2.2]

by dawgdoc » Post

Quiark wrote:Oh and any idea why my potatoes, tomatos don't grow past the first stage? It's been at least five in-game days.
Have they grown by now? The only time mine haven't grown is when they are too far from water or they are shaded by trees.
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Re: [Game] Hades Revisited [0.2.2]

by Quiark » Post

Yeah it was the lack of water.

Here is my update with burnable wooden tools, finally they're useful :)

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Re: [Game] Hades Revisited [0.2.2]

by mfb » Post

PEAK wrote:
  • Two recipes are missing: prism furnace, mesecon torch.
I don't know if it was on purpose, but it makes access to a couple of other items impossible as well. If you want the torches back:
Edit games/hades_revisited/mods/mesecons/mesecons_torch/init.lua
At "minetest.register_craft", just remove the "--" in all lines in this section. The recipe is there it is just commented out.

The prism furnace could be added to games/hades_revisited/mods/default/crafting.lua
Copy the function for the furnace, change the output to default:pfurnace and modify the recipe. Prismatic gems should be "travelnet:prismatic_gem", so if you want to require that in the center put it inside the '' in the middle line of the recipe.

Code: Select all

        output = 'default:furnace',
        recipe = {
                {'group:stone', 'group:stone', 'group:stone'},
                {'group:stone', '', 'group:stone'},
                {'group:stone', 'group:stone', 'group:stone'},

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Re: [Game] Hades Revisited [0.2.3]

by Wuzzy » Post

Version 0.2.3 released!

- Add missing crafting recipes for prism furnace and mesecon torch
- Add game description and screenshot
- More consistent item names in mesecons + pipeworks
- Remove poison ivy
- Fix random mob teleportations

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Re: [Game] Hades Revisited [0.2.3]

by mfb » Post

Oh, interesting timing. Thanks for the update.
I noted that you can make a Microcontroller but not a Luacontroller which is used by e.g. the player detector (does it also work as item detector or was that element removed?).

I'm trying to set up an automatic farm, detecting when the plant grew is the missing component.

Something not hades-specific: Furnaces don't start burning when they get raw materials via pipes. Probably some missing trigger, but I didn't look at the code yet.

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Version 0.2.4 released

by Wuzzy » Post

Version 0.2.4 released!

- Remove a few legacy slabs and columnia nodes.
- Update orienteering mod
- Make wooden ools burnable as fuel
I noted that you can make a Microcontroller but not a Luacontroller which is used by e.g. the player detector (does it also work as item detector or was that element removed?).

I'm trying to set up an automatic farm, detecting when the plant grew is the missing component.

Something not hades-specific: Furnaces don't start burning when they get raw materials via pipes. Probably some missing trigger, but I didn't look at the code yet.
I think I will either rework or remove all mesecons-related stuff. It's just too complicated and I don't think it fits into the game well.

Not sure about pipeworks, probably needs a rework or a major simplification. I have different plans for this game. A lot of stuff in this game is still pretty chaotic, I'm not sure which direction it will take.
Last edited by Wuzzy on Thu Mar 07, 2019 16:06, edited 1 time in total.

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