A mapgen mod you can add to most existing mapgens. It adds magma conduits that thread through the ground like a second cave system.
It has two main mechanisms for doing this, which can be separately enabled and disabled. One approach is to use "veins" of lava, resulting in twisting passages interconnecting underground. The other is to build vertical lava "pipes" with volcanic cones on the surface.
The mod has settings to control the frequency and distribution of volcanoes, as well as the proportion of volcanoes that are "active" (have open calderas with exposed pools of lava), "dormant" (closed calderas but lava is near the surface) and "extinct" (the surface volcano is largely decorative, the lava could be hundreds of meters below ground under it). Dormant and extinct volcanoes will have material appropriate to their local biome decorating their surface, whereas active volcanoes will be decorated with gravelly volcanic ash.
It also has the following optional features, configurable via settings:
* Removes default mapgen lava (it leaves the empty caves behind)
* Adds an obsidian lining to magma conduits
* Adds "glowing rock" that forms from stone and obsidian adjacent to magma, providing a warning to miners that they're about to hit trouble.
This mod can make magma more sparsely distributed across the map, but where it is found it will be available in massive quantities. Since volcanoes can be a bit hard to find, there's a "/findvolcano" chat command (requiring a privilege of the same name) that will give a list of the locations of nearby volcanoes.
If you install namegen and named_waypoints then names and HUD markers will be automatically generated for volcanoes, players will "discover" the volcano when they climb to its peak.
Dependencies: default
License: MIT