[Mod] Mese Portals [meseportals]

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[Mod] Mese Portals [meseportals]

by Piezo_ » Post

They called me crazy.
They said that if I succeeded, the result would be a monstrosity.
But I knew better than that. I knew what I had to do...


Using an electromesenetic coil and specially designed crystals that pinch into the fourth dimension, I have created a device capable of harnessing the power of quantum entanglement to instantly transport matter across incredible distance, by generating an isomorphically entangled field inside the mese coils of two portals registered in a network!


The Mese Portal!


So, who wants to step up and be the first one to travel using the power of electrons?

Well, of course it's safe! I've sent my cat through loads of times!
Oh, that's animal cruelty? Well, where do you think the leather for the seats in your expensive car that you always block my driveway with came from?
Well- clearly, none of you have any respect for scien-
Who just threw a tomato at me?
I'll show you all, some day.
Just you wait...

Narratives and mad scientists aside, this mod adds fully functioning portals to minetest!
To craft them, though, you'll have to do quite a bit of digging.
Also worth noting, this mod is an overhaul of another mod made by RealBadAngel.

Recipes (for basic function):

This mod also adds remote control panels that can be linked (probably also using quantum entanglement) to any portal by simply right-clicking. Once linked, it can be used from anywhere by left-clicking, or placed down for anyone to access via right-click. Erwin Schrödinger is probably rolling in his grave!

Portals can be placed with the bottom embedded in a structure by sneaking while placing.

Portals can be accessed conveniently via a server-wide network, through a GUI which is available from any portal or remote controller.
Players can set a portal to "private" to hide it in the global network, making it only accessible to themselves and admins.

Speaking of admins, I've added some essential privilege functionality to the mod:
- A maximum number of portals allowed per-player can be set (msp_unlimited privilege and singleplayer bypass this)
- Players can access other players' public portals, but not change the description or public/private state, or break them.
- msp_admin grants full control of portals, including the ability to connect to an already active portal, see private portals, break other players' portals, and change their description or public/private state.

But enough talk! I need test subjects, so please!

Download the mod... FOR SCIENCE!
Credit: Piezo_ (For the overhaul), RealBadAngel (Original mod), TenPlus1 (mobs_npc, used in screenshot), RealBadAngel, Again (Unified_inventory, used for recipe screenshots)
Last edited by Piezo_ on Fri Sep 28, 2018 20:00, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: [Mod] Mese Portals [meseportals]

by Hume2 » Post

Nice mod! It looks so impressive.
Just an idea: What about being able to change the colour, just for fun and science?

A few bugs:
  • If I click the portal with another portal, it is placed. It should be placed only when I hold the sneak key.
  • If I put a portal on snow, two portals are placed.
  • Portals are dropped in creative too when broken.
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Re: [Mod] Mese Portals [meseportals]

by Piezo_ » Post

About being able to change the color: I'll consider it, but it might be a bit resource-heavy, no?

[*]If I click the portal with another portal, it is placed. It should be placed only when I hold the sneak key.

...Yeah, I've been meaning to fix that.

[*]If I put a portal on snow, two portals are placed.

...Also need to fix that.

[*]Portals are dropped in creative too when broken.[/list][/quote]

That's not a bug, that's an ugly hack. I'll definitely look into something cleaner, though...

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Re: [Mod] Mese Portals [meseportals]

by Piezo_ » Post

I have fixed the first two issues on your bulletpoint list. (Partially. Sneak-placing isn't fully implemented yet)
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Re: [Mod] Mese Portals [meseportals]

by Hume2 » Post

You can use texture modifiers to colourise the texture. If you divide the texture into two layers, you can colourise the background layer. You can use something like:

Code: Select all

Also when a map chunk with an active portal is loaded, it always plays a sound. Is it required?
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Re: [Mod] Mese Portals [meseportals]

by Piezo_ » Post

Hume2 wrote:Also when a map chunk with an active portal is loaded, it always plays a sound. Is it required?
That sound should only be playing right when the portal is opened, or when the node updates. However, I currently don't have the mod set to autosave once the node has updated (performance concerns, I'll probably fix this shortly), so it's possible you left/rejoined the world and the portal forgot it had already updated.

EDIT: Fixed.
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Re: [Mod] Mese Portals [meseportals]

by Cage » Post

Looks good but have found another bug. When I try to change the default name of the portal the game crashes. I don't have that problem with RealBadAngel's Star Gate portal.

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Re: [Mod] Mese Portals [meseportals]

by Piezo_ » Post

Cage wrote:Looks good but have found another bug. When I try to change the default name of the portal the game crashes. I don't have that problem with RealBadAngel's Star Gate portal.
By change the default name, do you mean changing the default "description" assigned to the portal in meseportals_network.lua/meseportals.registerPortal, or using the description box ingame?

If it's the former, could you show me your version of registerPortal()?

Also, provide crash report, please.
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Re: [Mod] Mese Portals [meseportals]

by Cage » Post

Okay it was changing the description but I found the problem which was on my end and not your mod. So it works perfect now.

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Re: [Mod] Mese Portals [meseportals]

by Piezo_ » Post

Cage wrote:Okay it was changing the description but I found the problem which was on my end and not your mod. So it works perfect now.
Great to hear!
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Re: [Mod] Mese Portals [meseportals]

by Piezo_ » Post

Improved right-click behavior
  • Portals and controllers can now be placed in item frames, and right-clicked with.
  • Controllers might not have worked properly with buildable_to nodes before, but they do, now
  • Fixed a *very* unlikely crash involving slabs/stairs
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Re: [Mod] Mese Portals [meseportals]

by Christian_Soldier » Post

Epic mod. I'll definitely try it.
plz see my map from The Stanley Parable. viewtopic.php?f=12&t=19944&p=0&e=0

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Re: [Mod] Mese Portals [meseportals]

by Piezo_ » Post

  • Added a hint in the item name for burying portals in the ground.
  • Nodes that make up the base of a portal are now protected.
  • Portals no longer use an annoyingly slow ABM to update their world-node.
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Re: [Mod] Mese Portals [meseportals]

by puzzlecube » Post

Coolest and mese-est teleportation mod ever. Nice mesh too! Would be cool to have them be assignable to portal networks so that you could have private destinations though.
Better still is I think this is the only one that lets you shove a mob into a portal and be done with it though so that is pretty nice in a pinch.
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Re: [Mod] Mese Portals [meseportals]

by Piezo_ » Post

puzzlecube wrote:Would be cool to have them be assignable to portal networks so that you could have private destinations though.
You can set private destinations, and sort portals by only the ones owned by you, which might be similar to what you're asking?
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Re: [Mod] Mese Portals [meseportals]

by SpaghettiToastBook » Post

This is really cool. I like that the portals are rather difficult to craft, so it seems reasonable for a survival server. The only problem I've noticed is that if you try to place a portal and there's not enough room, you lose the portal forever. I assume that wasn't intended?

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Re: [Mod] Mese Portals [meseportals]

by Piezo_ » Post

SpaghettiToastBook wrote:The only problem I've noticed is that if you try to place a portal and there's not enough room, you lose the portal forever. I assume that wasn't intended?
Welp, that's a bug.

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EDIT: Should be fixed now.
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Re: [Mod] Mese Portals [meseportals]

by SpaghettiToastBook » Post


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Re: [Mod] Mese Portals [meseportals]

by Piezo_ » Post

SpaghettiToastBook wrote:Thanks!
Thank you for reporting the bug! I try to be thorough in debugging my mods, but feedback/testing is incredibly valuable. :D
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Re: [Mod] Mese Portals [meseportals]

by Piezo_ » Post

  • Portals now close automatically after 2 minutes
  • Portals can now be "admin-locked", meaning that regular players can't close them, and they will stay open until an admin closes them.
  • LuaEntity velocity and yaw are now adjusted when they enter a portal
  • Player velocity...
  • Oh, player velocity.....
  • Don't get me started on this topic.
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Re: [Mod] Mese Portals [meseportals]

by SpaghettiToastBook » Post

Any reason for the auto-closing?

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Re: [Mod] Mese Portals [meseportals]

by Piezo_ » Post

SpaghettiToastBook wrote:Any reason for the auto-closing?
After being tested on my server, portals staying open caused several annoying inconveniences.
The main two were that

1: If two portals in hard-to-reach areas were connected to each other, and then abandoned, no portal in a more accessible area could reach them, making both portals essentially useless until an admin was able to remotely break the connection.

2: If someone connected to somewhere with a private portal, and forgot to close the portal for whatever reason, anyone walking by could travel to their private location.

Both of these issues are still possible in the very short-term, but, after a while, they will resolve themselves, which is better than being permanent...

I've since increased the expiration time to 4 minutes, as 2 felt a bit short
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Re: [Mod] Mese Portals [meseportals]

by SpaghettiToastBook » Post

Is there a way to restrict which portals a portal can connect to? I want to disallow portals from connecting over a particular plane.

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Re: [Mod] Mese Portals [meseportals]

by Piezo_ » Post

SpaghettiToastBook wrote:Is there a way to restrict which portals a portal can connect to? I want to disallow portals from connecting over a particular plane.
There are a couple ways to block access to a single portal (Note: by "admin", I mean players with the msp_admin privilege):

1. Make the portal you don't want people connecting to a private portal. This will prevent everyone except you and admins connecting to it.

2. If you are an admin, you can click the lock icon next to the checkmark and X at the bottom of the gui after you connect to a portal to "lock" the two portals so that the connection is permanent, and can not be closed by non-admins.

If you simply don't want people connecting to portals in a certain area, you have a few options:
  • Apply one of the above methods to all portals in the area.
  • Use my experimental protection modpack "WardZones", which supports the zone data value "block_teleport", which currently prevents teleportation both in and out of the area.
  • Edit the code of meseportals and implement some other form of area-detection.
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Re: [Mod] Mese Portals [meseportals]

by SpaghettiToastBook » Post

I suppose you can add something like meseportals.can_connect(from, to) and let mods override it. I can try to write that and send a PR if you'd be interested.

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