I get the old fishing mod and ethereal one and revamp them.
To fish you have to use a 'Fishing Rod (Baited)'.
Depending of your luck and type of water (sea or river) you would get a fish!
:: Fishes ::

- River fishes: Salmon, Trout
Sea fishes: Pufferfish (poisonous), Clownfish, Gilt Head Bream, Snapper, Sole.
-Single and multiplayer support.
-Splash and fish animation and sound when a fish is captured.
-Spanish translation.
-32x32 textures.
:: API ::
fishing.registerfish{name="", description="", habitat= "[sea,river]", inventory_image="", wield_image="", hp_raw_eat=±0, hp_cooked_eat=±0, cooktime=1}
Code: Select all
fishing.registerfish{name="fishing:fish_raw", description="Raw Fish", habitat= "river", inventory_image="fishing_fish_raw", wield_image="fishing_fish_raw", hp_raw_eat=2, hp_cooked_eat=3, cooktime=2}