Commands for players (requires "money" privilege):
- /money — gets the balance of your account;
- /money pay <account> <amount> — transfers <amount> money to <account>.
- /money <account> — gets balance of <account>;
- /money set <account> <amount> — sets balance of <account> in <amount> money;
- /money inc <account> <amount> — increases <amount> money to balance of <account>;
- /money dec <account> <amount> — decreases <amount> money from balance of <account>;
- /money take <account> <amount> — takes off <amount> money from balance of <account>;
- /money freeze <account> — freezes <account>;
- /money unfreeze <account> — unfeezes <account>.
- Just shop
- Barter shop
- Admin shop
- Admin barter shop
[Locked Chest]
[Locked Sign]
Barter shop recipe:
[Locked Sign]
[Locked Chest]
Admin shops don't have recipes.
When you placed a shop, you must fill in the form:

after, if you fill in the form correctly, you will see this picture:

With other shops are just the same.
Code: GPLv2/later, textures: CC BY-SA
Mod dependencies: default, locked_sign
Download (money + locked_sign)
Github repository