A surreal dream-world where everything is possible but nothing is easy. Peaceful and Zen. Brutally obstinate. Prepare to unlearn everything you thought you knew about voxel sandbox games.
A complete game, deep and complex, with mods available but not required.
An immersive 3D world, with no pop-ups and minimal HUDs between you and the world.
Paragon of the "voxel" concept, with virtually every in-world thing on the voxel grid.
In-world crafting systems with unique recipes.
Rich emergent mechanics, customizable machines built of discrete and fungible parts.
Subtle dynamics: material angle of repose, fuel and soil quality, conservation and decay.
Exercise critical thinking and logical reasoning, and learn through experimentation.
Built-in new player guide, hint system providing low-spoiler guidance.
Playable and consistent across all platforms, single or multi-player. Mobile-friendly, gamepad-friendly.
Eggcorns! Pumwater!
NodeCore is a different kind of difficult. Advancement is tied to innovation and discovery, rather than honing skills, and is likely difficult, complex, and unforgiving. If you want to unlock most of the content, expect it to require both creativity and patience.
Only very basic, minimal-spoiler guidance is included in the game. Figuring things out yourself is part of the default experience. If you need more guidance, Join the Community (below).
Do not expect intuition you have built up from other games, including other voxel sandbox or puzzle games, to apply here. This game has its own logic and learning it is part of the full experience.
Recent Breaking Changes:
Refer to the ContentDB Page for the current list of breaking changes.
The Release Edition is more stable, ideal for streamers, offline players, or others who can't afford to deal with bugs, but new features may be delayed.
The ALPHA Edition may include cutting-edge or experimental new features. It may also be unstable or buggy. Updates are released automatically, tracking the NodeCore Dev Branch. Note that there may be some releases that don't include any functionality changes, since the automated process may pick up changes to embedded documentation or other things that don't end up in the game.
After over a year on ContentDB, NodeCore finally now has an official presence on the MT Forums...
First reply reserved for updates/news.
2022-05-16: Top post synced from ContentDB, which has changed a lot since original publication. Most notably, the Warnings and Recent Breaking Changes sections were added.
Last edited by Warr1024 on Mon May 16, 2022 12:15, edited 1 time in total.
Could someone type up a quick reference for how to define nodecore compatible nodes, tools, and especially crafts?
There is basically no documentation on the api that I can find, that needs to change. The most basic modding procedure is to define nodes and crafts, the next most basic is tools, so could someone provide a quick guide that will get a low XP modder started?
Nodecore is such a good game, and though I dont like EVERYTHING the way it is out-of-the-box, its much better than MT. I would love to be able to mod it. Extensive api documentation should be a goal at some point...
API documentation would require somebody to dedicate the time and effort to learn the API, write such documentation, and maintain that documentation as the underlying API evolves. The most common way other modders learn the API is by looking at example code, both in the game itself and in other mods. Someone who learns the API that way could probably produce some documentation, but so far everyone who does seems to be interested only in producing mods.
Nodes and tools are defined the same way as in other MT games; the only thing to be aware of is that nodecore groups are non-reversed, so e.g. a cracky=5 node is 4 tiers harder than a cracky=1 node. There is a helper for building toolcaps that's used universally. You can find extensive tool registration examples throughout the game, and a few in mods.
Recipes are registered with nodecore.register_craft. Each recipe needs an "action" like place/pummel/cook; note that "cooking" recipes simply process over time and it's the recipe's responsibility itself to decide if heat is required and to check for it. Each recipe also needs to have a match defined at relative (0,0,0) for indexing. You'll find a lot of examples throughout NodeCore and many of the mods.
Thank you for the info, it'll help get me started.
What do you mean by:
"Each recipe also needs to have a match defined at relative (0,0,0) for indexing."
My English isn't good and somehow I didn't think to ask someone for help with language issues, but, well... this is not a professional youtube channel release. As there is no other organized introduction to this game at the moment - at least I think so - this presentation can fill the gap and explain something a bit.
It is very interesting what you doing here Warr1024.
I've played a bit and wil play some more if I find the time to play.
Keep it up!
I especially love that you don't see the players hand except that it is in use.
Can you do this a seperate mod, as it seems to depend on many other nodecore mods?
Very nice, this "build in-world" style. It feels more natural, more native. Actually, this is a great alternative to MTG, doesn't feel like an MC copy.
I'm currently doing the German translation. Sometimes very hard, you have to see the blocks to be able to find good translations for blocks like "bindy pliant adobe". Without cheating this takes time. I'm still figuring how to make "moist soil". I'd be glad to get "soil" at least :-D
@warr1024: I may have found an error in an in-game phrase. Found it during translation: "assemble a shelf from a from and a plank". This should probably read "assemble a shelf from a form and a plank".
Edit: found another one: "assemnble a lode crate from form and bar". "assemnble" is the bug here
Played for the first time today. Spawned inside a very deep circular ravine (a very unforgiven start may I say), after I managed to get out this become my favorite minetest game.
Played for the first time today. Spawned inside a very deep circular ravine (a very unforgiven start may I say), after I managed to get out this become my favorite minetest game.
The ability to climb (as long as you have free hands) and to navigate in the dark by touch are probably the two main gameplay features that really sold NC to me.
Since I got bored trying to look for Pumwater (Warr1024: this really needs to be improved), I've started to explore optics + hinged panels behavior. Here's an “automatic” door controlled by a self-resetting push-button: https://youtu.be/5oqqSIQ3TdA —mechanism is hidden to avoid spoilers.
Cannot assemble rake and other simiar recipes on current (01845521-98ea7d1c and 01855801-58a046f4) versions of NC. Minetest 5.5.0. On server NodeCore (RUS) it works fine (01483733-7dc18b3e).