[MOD] Cheeseeee! [cheese]

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[MOD] Cheeseeee! [cheese]

by Annalysa » Post


Download it here!
Code here!

Are you tired of cooking cheese? Having to put in the input slot a bucket of milk,
wait for it to cook into cheese and then manually take out of the input the empty
bucket to then replace it with yet another bucket, doing the same thing over and over????
Well, look no further fellow minetester! I present you a way to craft cheese in a different way,
without having to swap buckets ever again! ;)


First lets talk about the *Milk Cauldron*:
Use copper to craft this furnace-like node. It can only boil some liquid held in a
bucket, therefor you cannot use it to smelt or cook anything else.
You can use milk buckets, water buckets to make salt, and a few more items!
It has 4 distinct slots types:
Input or Source
In order to activate the boiling, you need to add something to boil first!
Input Reserve
As the max stack size of a bucket holding a liquid is 1, there are problems to boil
more than one thing, therefor this slot list can come to your aid!
When an item is done boiling in the Source slot, another item will be automatically
fetched from this Reserve, and the boiling process will continue! (if you added boilable items of course)
Output or Destination
This is a normal slot, like in the furnace, except that you will get the replacements
here, so this slot will held empty buckets too!
Normal fuel slot, nothing to add here. Enjoy boiling! ;)

Cheese Aging

Now, did you expect cheese to come out of that cauldron? Well, nope.
Milk boils into two things, *Curd* with is the sold part, and *Whey* which is the liquid part.
Cheese is essentially aged curd, but where to start this process? In a *Cheese Aging Rack*!
There are a total of 12 different cheese types that you can acquire, through the use of this Rack,
placed in a dark spot. There are 3 types of Cheese Rack, *Wooden*, *Stone* and *Mossy*, each with
their aging time, giving you a a few pieces of one random type of the 4 assigned to that Rack.
So if you want a particular cheese, you need to have the right Rack.
If you have the mod [astral] installed, there will be differences upon harvesting the aged cheese,
if certain moon or sun event is happening.
You can still normally cook *Curd* to get a "default" cheese (for example mobs:cheese)
and *Whey* into *Ricotta* (You can boil it in the *Milk Cauldron* too).

Stretched Cheese

Actually... there are a few more cheeses, that you can craft instead of wait to age.
You can use *Curd* with water and salt to craft *Stretched Cheese*, and give it a shape,
making *Mozzarella*, *Scamorza* and *Caciocavallo*. *Scamorza* can be eaten as it
is but it satiates more if you cook it into *Smoked Scamorza*. You need some string
to craft *Caciocavallo* and cannot be eaten as is. In needs to age by hanging it
on a wooden ceiling in the dark. I know, when i said that there is *Mozzarella*,
you would want a pizza, right? Not here, sorry. This mod only provides cheeses.
Their uses are on other mods using this one.

Making Cream

There are other dairy products, you know? Like *Cream*! And what usage has the other liquid
that you can from boiling milk? Just craft a *Cream Separator* and you'll find out!
Right click on it, with either milk or *Whey*, and it will spin, (technically, centrifuging)
giving you some delicious *Cream*! If you use milk you will get more than just by using *Whey*.

Making Butter

Yet another dairy product, *Butter*! Much like the *Cream Separator*, you need to craft a
*Churn* and right click it to get some golden *Butter*. You can use milk to get one piece of butter,
or *Cream* to get 3.

Ice Cream
Yes. There is *Ice Cream* too! You can craft a base using milk, *Cream*, sugar and snow.
Currently there isnt much to do with it except *Neapolitan Ice Cream*, but if you
have the [icecream] mod installed, the recipes will now use this new base.

Veg Alternatives
Why? Why not! I wanted to include more people, so this mod can be used by dairy-free people too!
if you have the [moretrees] mod, you can make *Coconut Cream* with coconut milk usign the *Cream Separator*,
*Vegetable Butter* by using the *Churn* with *Vegetable Butter Preparation*, crafted with *Coconut Cream*,
oil and vegetable milk and *Vegan Ice Cream* crafting together vegetable milk, *Coconut Cream*, sugar and snow.

Fantasy Cheeses
Yes, you read that right. There is a fourth Rack type: *Obsidian*. You can use *Curd*
or ... other items, each giving you a specific type of cheese, so this isn't random.
I'll let you find out how to use it, but you'll need [ethereal] mod for most cheese.
Its behavior changes if you again have [astral] and [mana] mod installed. There is a change to [moobloom] too.
Eating each fantasy cheese will give you a special effect if you have the [playereffects] mod installed.
(The effects still need to be worked on, they are not perfect).

Code and Textures by Annalysa, GLGP LICENSE v2.1 for code, CC-BY-SA 3.0 UNPORTED for textures.
Sounds are CC0.

Italian traslation available
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Re: [MOD] Cheeseeee! [cheese]

by Eris » Post

I like the detailed preparation process!
Perhaps, there could be support for this mod, Advanced Cooking.

Unrelated, the best YTP about cheese.
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Re: [MOD] Cheeseeee! [cheese]

by Josselin2 » Post

It looks great. The /textures folder seems to be missing on Github, though, so I can't see any of your delicious cheesy comestibles.


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Re: [MOD] Cheeseeee! [cheese]

by Annalysa » Post

My apologies for the inconvenience! I was so focused on the code being correct that i completely forgot about uploading the texture folder! I had a little issue with git, but now it has been solved and the textures are accessible! Enjoy!
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Re: [MOD] Cheeseeee! [cheese]

by apercy » Post

Oh! Cheese is love! Cheese is life! And I loved the mod!!!!!

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Re: [MOD] Cheeseeee! [cheese]

by Slightly » Post

I really enjoy this mod. I wanted ice cream but didn't have internet to look for a mod, so I just made yours make ice cream. Then I fixed the technic freezer to freeze the ice cream base. Even funner! Thanks for sharing it!

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Re: [MOD] Cheeseeee! [cheese]

by apercy » Post

And I'm running your mod on my server, "Out Here"

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Re: [MOD] Cheeseeee! [cheese]

by Nordal » Post

Great Mod! Thanks!
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Re: [MOD] Cheeseeee! [cheese]

by Clyde » Post

Hello Annalysa,

Cool mod, i like it.
I've your mod translated into german, you have a pull request.

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