[Game] Mineclonia [0.110.0]
Re: [Game] Mineclonia [0.101.0]
Great, thanks!! I'll try these.
Re: [Game] Mineclonia [0.101.0]
Version 0.102.0 is released! This release features some bug fixes and other improvements. One addition is the mace which is not yet obtainable in survival.
- Fix enderpearls not teleporting while riding entity
- Add stronghold loot chest
- Move items between hotbar and inventory when holding shift
- Suffocate and drown mbos based on where their head is [Codiac]
- Make mobs less likely to walk off cliffs or drown
- Fix crash when entity gets prematurely invalidated when sleeping in bed
- Fix crash when resetting crafting grid [j-r]
- Fix autocraft issues [j-r]
- Add MC 1.21 tuff blocks [JoseDouglas26]
- Fix inconsistent color names in banner descriptions
- Update translations from weblate
- Fix void damage crash in singlenode when damage is disabled
- Tree growth fixes [amino]
- Add mace [DragonWrangler1]
- Make the mcl_trees API only register bark stairs if bark is enabled
- Fix horse and llama taming/feeding
- Generate decorations and biomes in singlenode
- Fix missing texture bug on signs
- Add missing "Gate" to wood fence gate descriptions [bramaudi]
- Update spawn search code
- Fix possible crash when shipwreck is generated around too much sand
- Improve mob performance
- Fix crash when offhand shield rightclicks unknown nodes
- Make child grow up time match MC
- Make endermen be affected by thunderstorm as well as rain
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Re: [Game] Mineclonia [0.102.0]
Made a 0.102.1 patch release:
- Fix a crash when a player leaves the server too quick while crafting
- Make sure only one text entity exists for signs (could result in unknown textures covering the text otherwise)
- Update translations from weblate
- Add _on_hoe_place callback corresponding to the other on$tool_place callbacks
- Convert rooted dirt to dirt when rightclicking with hoe [JoseDouglas26]
- Drop attached hanging roots in that case [JoseDouglas26]
- Fix crash in furnaces when time_speed was set to a non-number
- Allow placing scaffolding and lanterns on top slabs [codiac]
- Reduce mobs sliding on the ground [codiac]
- Fix hanging banners floating in front of the nodes they're attached to
Re: [Game] Mineclonia [0.102.0]
Thanks again for the super quick fix to the crafting crash issue. Everything is working for us now. And the signs look very pretty again ;-)
Have a nice weekend :-)
Have a nice weekend :-)
Englsh is not my native language, so expect errors :-)
Re: [Game] Mineclonia [0.102.0]
Hi, there, thanks for all your great job. I want to say that both Minetest and Mineclonia use the same translate platform. In Minetest, they change the Chinese code from zh_Hans to zh_CN. I guess, for the same reason, it's better to change all the "*zh_Hans.tr" files into "*zh_CN.tr". In the current situation, we cannot use the Chinese language.
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Re: [Game] Mineclonia [0.102.0]
yeah we should look into that, not exactly sure how to do that with our weblate setup though
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Re: [Game] Mineclonia [0.102.0]
0.103.0 is released!
- Update translations
- Prevent item duplication with external mods [OgelGames]
- Fix raidcaptain banner stuck in their head
- Add new copper nodes and textures
- Fix crashes when items have unknown enchantments
- Add Density, Breach and Wind Burst enchantments to mace
- Adjust walk animation for mobs [bramaudi]
- Tweak mob follow and runaway speeds [bramaudi]
- Add animations for creeper, dolphin, endermite and parrot [bramaudi]
- Fix horse not running away when getting attacked by player [bramaudi]
- Fix recovery compass dropping as regular compass
- Fix some shulker box colors being uncraftable
- Fix possible dependency loop with external mods
- Fix lever base texture being of too high resolution [JoseDouglas]
- Disable iron golem jumping [bramaudi]
- Spawn iron golem submerged instead of floating above water [bramaudi]
- Add new pottery sherds, banner patterns and armor trims
- Make sugar cane break after adjacent water is removed [bramaudi]
- Add leather horse armor
- Add ability to see all mobs in the lookup help menu
- Fix supply loot pool not being used in shipwrecks and ocean temples
- Prevent undead mobs float in water
Re: [Game] Mineclonia [0.102.0]
We have fixed this now so it will be in the next release.liulitchi wrote: ↑Sun Jul 07, 2024 12:50Hi, there, thanks for all your great job. I want to say that both Minetest and Mineclonia use the same translate platform. In Minetest, they change the Chinese code from zh_Hans to zh_CN. I guess, for the same reason, it's better to change all the "*zh_Hans.tr" files into "*zh_CN.tr". In the current situation, we cannot use the Chinese language.
Re: [Game] Mineclonia [0.102.0]
Version 0.104.0 is released! Thanks to everyone who contributed to it! We have also replaced a few textures with ones from bramaudi's Pixel imperfection texture pack.
I can also mention that Mineclonia has a matrix server now at #mineclonia:matrix.org. It is bridged to the proprietary Discord platform.
I can also mention that Mineclonia has a matrix server now at #mineclonia:matrix.org. It is bridged to the proprietary Discord platform.
- Add missing power levels for breach and density enchantments
- Change Chinese translation code zh_Hans to zh_CN
- Fixed warped nylium being inconsistent with netherrack
- Fix excessive breeding heart particles
- Witch now throws poison and no longer causes fire [bramaudi]
- Fix duplicated bowls when eating sus stew
- Fix fortune drops in mcl_farming [JoseDouglas26]
- Generate podzol when growing huge spruce trees
- Add crafting table group to allow mods to easily add their own crafting tables
- Do not stop tree growth on buildable_to nodes
- Slow ender dragon regeneration
- Fix mount riding on water without sinking [bramaudi]
- Fix fences not connecting to solid nodes anymore
- More recipes for copper blocks [JoseDouglas]
- Add missing copper recipes [JoseDouglas]
- Improvements to village generation [kno10]
- Make horses sit when dismounting and extended pet control is enabled [bramaudi]
- Limit amount of text saved in signs and command block meta
- Add iron golem cracks [bramaudi]
- Add new iron golem and zombie villager textures [bramaudi]
- Add iron golem hurt sound [bramaudi]
- Revert creeper bobbing run animation [bramaudi]
- Clean up mcl_fences API
- Fix collision box for tropical fishes
- Fix mace having a small bounce without wind burst
- Fix dupe of rotatable blocks (tree, pillar, etc) with item frame
- Fix possible crash when rotating chests
- Improve horse movement [bramaudi]
- Disable horse hitbox when riding [bramaudi]
- Add sneak to detach from horse [bramaudi]
- Add hat brim to farmer villager
- Add french and italian translations [Pietro Cappucino, RadonPrunus]
- Fix inconsistent bed bouncyness
- Make game playable with random mod load order
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Re: [Game] Mineclonia [0.102.0]
Hello, I have a question, will Mineclonia continue to follow the design of voxelibre? The new version of voxelibre has changed a lot of game modes that I am not used to. For example, the action of eating, the appearance of the enderman Creeper, etc.
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Re: [Game] Mineclonia [0.102.0]
Well we're going to continue back porting patches we think are good.continue to follow the design of voxelibre?
Mineclonia has been very active and probably done even more work that you won't immediately see as a player in terms of cleaning up the code base and adding new APIs for modding or making existing ones more flexible.
So idk of we have ever been following voxelibre design.
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Re: [Game] Mineclonia [0.102.0]
As for the eating animation we are thinking of adding that but iirc some problems with it came up, not sure
Re: [Game] Mineclonia [0.102.0]
0.105.0 is released! As always, thanks to everyone who contributed. This release also features a change pulled from MineClone 5, can you imagine that?
- Fix glitched bamboo offshoot being purchasable from villager
- Reduce wait time while fishing by 25% if it's raining
- Add picked up items to offhand slot if its present there
- Fix lightning strikes on mobs not working correctly
- Update translations [hugoalh, Gaemy, phileas]
- Fix armor named using anvil being invisible when worn by mobs [bramaudi]
- Fix cake duplication bug when eating [bramaudi]
- Make undead mobs wearing helmets not burn in sunlight
- Make ancient debris fire immune and float in lava [halon]
- Tweak nether portal teleport behavior in creative [bramaudi]
- Add new village building schematics [kno10]
- Add bark fences
- Fix shulker spawn positions [bramaudi]
- Make shulkers not pushable by player or mobs [bramaudi]
- Resize offhand wieldview hud to uniform size
- Make arrow launched by strays inflict slowness
- Add new banner pattern textures [JoseDouglas26]
- Fix itemframe pillar dupe
- Fix shield not blocking shulker projectiles [bramaudi]
- Fix enchanted book behaving as a tool [bramaudi]
- Improve llama mount behavior [bramaudi]
- Add heart particles when mounts are tamed [bramaudi]
- Fix mobs spawned from buckets despawning [bramaudi]
- Fix mount running animation speed [bramaudi]
- Fix nether plants floating when their nylium is dug [bramaudi]
- Make fireworks usable through secondary use [j-r]
- Fix player in third-person view not being updated while walking/running [bramaudi]
- Update stone brick textures [bramaudi]
- Make spiders able to climb walls
- Fix crying obsidian particle randomness
Re: [Game] Mineclonia [0.105.0]
Hello, I found Mineclonia a little while ago and it’s been great, however I have found that I can get completely stacked with diamonds and not fine a single lapis ore I was wondering if this is where I am looking or if It is just rare?
Re: [Game] Mineclonia [0.105.0]
I had a similar problem, i found out that i was looking for it too deep down. Dont go below the deepslate level
Re: [Game] Mineclonia [0.105.0]
Version 0.106.0 is released!
- Update spanish and chinese translations [Gaemy, hugoalh, liulitchi]
- Show shulker contents in tooltip
- Make villagers retain profession through zombification and curing
- Make charged creeper explosions drop mob heads [halon]
- Fix ghast fireball being double deflectable [halon]
- Add small end city structure [JoseDouglas]
- Record damage as floating-point instead of integers [halon]
- Fix players being invulnerable with protection IV armor [halon]
- Fix tooltip for selected items being in the wrong position [goblin_mode]
- Fix crash when trying to rotate axis-rotated mob heads
- Tweak mount gravity and jumping
- Fix fortune jungle sapling chance [JoseDouglas]
- Add creative pickblock behavior when rightclicking blocks with empty hand
- Remove ability for ghasts to punch players [goblin_mode]
- Fix mismatch color mismatch with cracked blackstone bricks [bramaudi]
- Update chiseled/smooth blackstone textures [bramaudi]
- Fix villager trade tier unlock instantly [bramaudi]
- Make copper bulbs more minecraft like [goblin_mode]
- Make shulker color persistent [goblin_mode]
- Fix wither dupe from double dropping nodes when stuck
- Overhaul mob movement [Codiac]
- Fix villagers on beds bounce too high [Codiac]
- Fix flying mobs just flying up when not in range of players [Codiac]
- Fix mobs velocity becoming too high floating up [Codiac]
- Fix baby rabbit dying spontanously [bramaudi]
- Fix race condition when quickly exiting boats/minecarts [goblin_mode]
- Update item categorization in creative inventory [goblin_mode]
- Add breeding and taming to llamas [bramaudi]
- Fix pumpkin face when worn by zombie being incorrect [bramaudi]
- Fix bugs with riding striders [goblin_mode]
- Update and add new village schematics [kno10]
- Fix possible crash when crafting banners
- Fix mobs damaging themselves after being hit by windcharges [DragonWrangler1]
- Make windcharges have infinite use when in creative [DragonWrangler1]
- Fix sign text being erased when only clicking escape in formspec
- Make silverfish call reinforcements from nearby infested nodes
- Make grindstone drop xp when disenchanting
- Fix raids sometimes not properly starting
- Fix placing sign with empty text getting "nil" in older Minetest versions
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Re: [Game] Mineclonia [0.105.0]
To everyone reading. I didn't make windcharges have infinite use in creative. That was xXx_GLOCKrzmitz_xXx (also known as goblin_mode): Just a little note.
Re: [Game] Mineclonia [0.105.0]
I always carry several shulker boxes around with me like handbags, I really missed this feature...thx alot that and for the update :-)...
[*] Show shulker contents in tooltip
By the way, I had a weird "warning" yesterday:
- Attachments
- warning.png (24 KiB) Viewed 3886 times
Englsh is not my native language, so expect errors :-)
Re: [Game] Mineclonia [0.105.0]
I cant really replicate this issue, did you do something special to get this issue? or did it just randomly happen once and never again
Re: [Game] Mineclonia [0.105.0]
it happened for the first time yesterday, and hasn't happened again since. that was the weird thing. I was just standing around, another player was in bed. I just wanted to show the message in case someone else has something like this in the future (you're not alone :-D)
Englsh is not my native language, so expect errors :-)
humble petition
Is possible to add support to more animated textures, this is from a texture pack i convert only for private use, via an old script, in the image there is a diamond in the inventory (up) and a furnace (down)
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- texture_animation_problem.jpg (54.23 KiB) Viewed 3255 times
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Re: [Game] Mineclonia [0.105.0]
you can override the tile definitions in texture packs using override.txt: https://github.com/minetest/minetest/bl ... -overrides
Re: [Game] Mineclonia [0.105.0]
good to know, im so bad at coding, thank you
Re: [Game] Mineclonia [0.105.0]
I'm trying out the game, I made a farm and I have animals, but I've noticed that some of them have swollen heads, first a pig's and then a cow's.
After a while they went back to normal. Is this normal?
Apart from that, at the start of one of the sessions all the animals disappeared, which was solved by logging out and back in.
After a while they went back to normal. Is this normal?
Apart from that, at the start of one of the sessions all the animals disappeared, which was solved by logging out and back in.
- Attachments
- big head.jpg (118.77 KiB) Viewed 2852 times
Re: [Game] Mineclonia [0.105.0]
In new release this will be fixed.I'm trying out the game, I made a farm and I have animals, but I've noticed that some of them have swollen heads, first a pig's and then a cow's.
See https://codeberg.org/mineclonia/mineclonia/issues/2008