Waving liquid issue

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Waving liquid issue

by badentry » Post

I wonder what is the expected behavior of waving liquid actually.

Atm, current behavior of waving liquid sometimes cause rendering going through node downwards. That's an unwanted behavior, I suppose.

In the src I found the waving liquid only waves downward on y axis, this might be what causes this issue with rendering. I can fix this to upwards rendering, but that will probably cause a liquid node to wave higher than one full node at its source. Although this might not cause any annoying rendering issue in my humble opinion, it is a issue, still.

So I came up with limiting the wave height to the node edges of full node at its position. But then I think of the wave_height setting, it says the data inside represents height in node, and can be higher than a full node. If I want to only fix this rendering issue, then I maybe shouldn't touch it, which is a paradox here. I really can't make up my mind to choose one direction, so I come here to find more perspectives.

Please help with your idea.

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