[Mod] Fully functional realistic elevators [celevator]

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[Mod] Fully functional realistic elevators [celevator]

by cheapie » Post

This has been on ContentDB for a few days now but I figured it's probably deserving of a forum topic as well.

As great as the other elevator options may be sometimes (like shacknetisp's "Realtime Elevator" mod, for example) in survival play, sometimes in creative mode I've felt like these other mods lean a bit too far towards in-game practicality at the expense of realism. To be clear, I'm not calling these other mods bad, they just suit a play style that isn't mine.

For a few years now, I've been trying to build more realistic elevators in-game. Most of them have revolved around mesecons and its movestone, which can do rather complex things when paired with Luacontrollers (see an example here), but this comes with its drawbacks too - just ask anyone who has ever fallen out of one of my elevators.

Some time later, I stumbled across techage and its movecontroller node. This paired with some other electronics got me some very promising smooth motion (and no more falling through the elevator!), but no matter how fancy the electronics, that mod just isn't designed to work with a realistic elevator car and its features.

About a year ago now, I was discussing my progress so far with someone on IRC, and considering ideas for an elevator mod that would be as realistic as I wanted. Something with smooth motion like the techage movecontroller. Something with the special operating modes I had implemented on my old movestone builds. Something that could handle large groups of elevators and dispatch them for calls just as well as many real-life systems. celevator is my attempt to produce such a mod.

ContentDB description:
If you read nothing else in this description: the manual is here.

Adds fully functional, realistic elevators capable of moving players between multiple floors in a building.

Features include:
  • 2 to 100 floors with customizable names
  • Travel speed adjustable for each elevator independently, up to 20m/s (more than 7.5m/s not recommended in multiplayer)
  • Can travel through loaded or unloaded mapblocks
  • Full selective-collective operation
  • Group dispatching with up to 16 cars in a group and true ETA dispatching
  • Optional destination-based dispatching
  • Swing car operation
  • Animated doors, hoist machine, and tapehead
  • Controller interface with diagnostic LEDs, display, and GUI configuration
  • Optional car call security settings (require area access to place a car call, or disallow car calls to a specific floor entirely)
  • Functional independent service and fire service phase I and II (approximately following ASME A17.1 codes) modes
  • Car top and machine room inspection operation with adjustable speed
  • Adjustable door dwell and nudging timers
  • mView remote monitoring software (optional, available if "laptop" mod is installed)
  • Mesecons input and output modules (optional, available if "mesecons" mod is installed)
  • Communication with Luacontrollers via digilines input/output modules (optional, available if "digilines" mod is installed)
Download: ContentDB or ZIP

Documentation: PDF

License: The Unlicense for all files, including code and media

  • None for basic functionality.
  • laptop, mesecons, and digilines for optional features. Any combination of these works, each of the three enables certain extra features independently of the others.
  • mesecons, digilines, basic_materials, and default (minetest_game or compatible) for crafting recipes only.
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Re: [Mod] Fully functional realistic elevators [celevator]

by Ghurir » Post

Very nice, is a bit of a liminal space, would work well for a horror map.

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