[mod] Smokable Blunt [blunt]

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[mod] Smokable Blunt [blunt]

by vulonkaaz » Post

The mod add a blunt that can be crafted from the hemp in farming_redo
blunt_ad.png (422.83 KiB) Viewed 1967 times
The mod requires fake_fire (I use the smoke texture from it) and playereffects (the effect while smoking is reduced gravity)

The code is under ISC license and the image kinda have been stolen from a website and is licensed "Free for personal use" I am planning to replace it eventually (if any of you smoke IRL please send pictures I can use for my textures)

download : https://vulonkaaz.zip/blunt.zip

git : https://github.com/vulonkaaz/blunt/

This mod is made for fun and its goal isn't to do the apology of any substances

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