Vanessa's plantlife modpack
This modpack supplies my Flowers-Plus and Poison Ivy mods, rewritten from scratch to use biome_lib, plus an updated version of the classic Bushes mod (e.g. various kinds of berries), a reduced version of the original Nature mod, called Nature Classic here, Mossmanikin's Ferns and Dryplants mods, the components of his Undergrowth modpack, bas080's vines and rope mod, and my 3D Mushrooms mod.The purpose of the modpack as a whole is to add various kinds of foliage to the world.
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Install: First, you must completely remove any copies of this modpack and/or any individual copies of its components that you may have previously installed. Then, download the above zip, extract it, and put the resultant "VanessaE-plantlife_modpack-xxxxxxx" folder into your Minetest mods folder. It's a good idea to rename the folder to just "plantlife_modpack".
Dependencies: biome_lib, minetest_game from commit 408ee69f or later, and Minetest engine 0.4.16 or later.
Recommends: moretrees
License: LGPL 3.0 for code, CC-by-SA 4.0 for media and everything else.
Important details:
Configuration: By default, all of the components of this modpack are enabled. Any of them can be disabled by simply deleting their respective folders from within the modpack's main folder, as is normally the case with a modpack.
Usage and Crafting Information:
Seaweed spawns on water or grass close to the shoreline, or on very small stone islands in water. Waterlilies of course spawn on water. and will only do so in pools that are 3 nodes deep or less. Waterlilies only spawn when there at least a significant amount of light. Seaweed will grow only in dimly-lit areas along water-dirt/grass shorelines.
Poison Ivy will spawn on grass and in some cases, on vertical surfaces including trees and jungle trees where they meet the dirt or grass. Ivy previously spawned on the ground will grow taller/thicker or start climbing up the aforementioned vertical surfaces. Poison ivy will not grow near flowers, though flowers may occasionally grow near a previously-spawned poison ivy plant. Poison ivy grows only in the daytime, though it doesn't require a large amount of light. At present, the poison ivy presents little more than an annoyance - since there are no mods to my knowledge that use poison ivy, about all you can do right now is cut the stuff down and either re-plant or aim for the trash can. No damage is done by harvesting them.
The classic Bushes mod operates similar to how it has in the past, but there are changes in keeping with modern usage of minetest: the bushes are spawned closer together, are tightly perlin-controlled instead of just spawning all over the map, and there are more than just strawberries now - namely there are also blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, and gooseberries.
When you dig a bush, the tool you're using determines what you get:
- Digging by hand or with any tool/object not mentioned below gives you just the fruits, and replaces the bush with a fruitless one. Over time, the fruit will re-grow.
- Using an axe destroys the bush to get sticks.
- Using a shovel gives you the whole bush. Replanting a bush causes a fruitless bush to be planted, but as above, it will regrow fruits. Every so often, digging a bush this way will yield two, making it possible to farm them over long periods of time.
- Using a pickaxe just destroys the bush.
- Sugar or raw fruit heals 1/2 heart.
- A raw pie heals 2 hearts.
- A cooked pie heals 3 hearts or it can be split into 6 slices.
- A slice of pie heals 1/2 heart.
- A basket of pies heals 9 hearts (and consumes the basket).
If you have farming_plus installed, you can use its strawberries in these recipes freely - mix and match with bushes' strawberries as desired (you'll only see one strawberry variety in your inventory, but it's cross-compatible).
Default trees' leaves will, when found within 20 meters of water, gradually turn into leaves with apple blossoms, which will eventually spawn a few apples. Said blossoms will turn back into leaves eventually (regardless of distance to water). Blossom-bearing leaves can be used as fuel.
Unlike the original Nature Pack, this version of the Nature mod does not feature iron trees, nor does it cause default trees to grow. This version produces a much-reduced crop of apples as well, to avoid upsetting the survival aspect of the game.
This modpack includes a variety of ferns from Mossmanikin's ferns mod: lady-fern (Athyrium), tree ferns (Dicksonia) in small and "giant" sizes, horsetail (Equisetum) in 4 sizes.
For more details about this component of plantlife, including crafting recipes and technical notes, see the original forum thread by Mossmanikin:
The dryplants mod modifies the default spread of wild grass, in addition to adding reedmace, junca grass, cattails, and more.
For more details about this component of plantlife, including extensive crafting recipes and technical notes, see the original forum thread by Mossmanikin:
This modpack incorporates all of the components of Mossmanikin's Undergrowth Modpack, which modifies the landscape around trees to include things like fallen trunks, leaves on grass, random sticks on the ground, moss on trees, small boulders here and there, roots at the bases of trees, small bush-like trees, large sapling-like plants, and a LOT more.
For more details about this component of plantlife, including crafting recipes and technical nodes, see the original forum thread by Mossmanikin:
This modpack will, by way of the vines mod, grow vines on Moretrees' jungle trees and willows, if you have that mod installed also. You can collect these vines using shears, and craft them into ropes and rope "boxes" which will spool out rope as needed to handle deep holes and such.
For more information about that component of this modpack, see the forum thread for it: