More trees!
This mod adds many new types of trees to the game. They are, in no particular order:Several sizes of generic jungle trees, two types and several sizes of firs, palms, apple trees, oaks, giant sequoias, two types of birches, two types of spruces, pine, willow, acacia, rubber trees, and optionally beech trees.
All trees are generated at map-generation time, and so will appear only in newly-generated terrain. By default, trees spawn fully-grown, but you can also configure it to spawn trees in the form of fast-growing (ABM-driven) saplings.
If you plant a sapling, it will grow eventually into a tree via an ABM, though much more slowly than the ones spawned at mapgen time, and only if they're planted on the same surface that the tree would normally generate on (e.g. sand for palms, dirt with grass for the others, for now). This way you can still, for example, "plant" a sapling into a flower pot or some other non-growing surface and use it decoratively.
All of these trees can be harvested and crafted into wood planks which can be used in any recipe that relies on the "wood" group.
All leaves eventually decay, at a fairly slow rate so as not to cause too much CPU load. Except for palms, any leaf block that is more than 5 nodes from the trunk/branch it normally spawns with will decay; apples, cones and coconuts will fall to the ground if there's nothing left to hold them up. Palms have a 15-node radius since their leaves are so wide.
Dependencies: Minetest 0.4.16 and corresponding minetest_game, and biome_lib.
Recommends: moreblocks; also vines if you want better-looking jungles.
License: LGPL 3.0 for code, CC-by-SA 4.0 for media and everything else.
Download: ...
...or browse the code:
Install: Download the above zip file and extract it. Rename the resultant folder to just "moretrees", and copy it to your Minetest mods folder.
Food Crafting
Fir/spruce/pine cones can be cooked to extract fir/spruce/pine nuts. One cone yields 4 portions of nuts, each of which heals 1/2 heart.
Coconuts can be broken apart to get milk and raw coconut solids (e.g. the "meat"). Craft one coconut, one drinking glass, and one cutting tool (*see below). Yields one portion of coconut solids, one glass full of coconut milk, and the tool is returned. The coconut milk heals 1 heart and returns the empty glass, while one portion of coconut solids heals two hearts.
Coconut milk can be crafted with four acorns to produce acorn muffin batter (and you get the empty glass back). One portion of this batter can be cooked into four acorn muffins. Each muffin restores two hearts.
* Since Minetest doesn't have any default cutting tools that would normally be suitable for this purpose, the following tools may be used instead to cut the coconuts open:
Default bronze, diamond, Mese, or steel axe,
...or... glooptest Alatro or Arol axe,
...or... moreores Mithril or silver axe,
...or... titanium axe.
(note that stone and wooden axes are deliberately not usable)
Each tree requires a specific set of circumstances under which it will grow. Rather than go into a long-winded description of the biome information, here is a table showing the different types of trees and the major variables that control each type: ... biomes.txt
If you want to change the settings for Moretrees, create a file in world folder named "moretrees_settings.txt" and insert the settings you need. For a list of the various settings you can change (and what the defaults are), take a look at moretrees/default_settings.txt .
If you want to replace default trees with beech trees (which were intended as a replacement thereof), edit moretrees_settings.txt, find the "moretrees.enable_beech" variable on or near line 16 of the file, and set it to true. Save the file, then edit your world's map_meta.txt and remove "trees" from the "mg_flags" line. Save that file also, then restart your server/game.
Do not edit "default_settings.txt", as this file will only be used the first time you run Moretrees (or if you delete or lose moretrees_settings.txt from your world folder).
Most of the textures and tree definitions used here were authored by RealBadAngel, with Jungle trees and firs by me (the former also tweaked by RealBadAngel). Some of the code and node definitions in this mod came from bas080's jungle trees and cisoun's conifers mods. The textures for jungle trees and firs shamelessly copied (and renamed) from the same sources. :-)
Please note that because this mod hooks into the map generator, it will slow down the generation of your world by some degree - not a whole lot, but a little. The vast majority of this slowdown is actually due to latency in the engine - it takes forever for the engine to echo back to the screen that which has been added to a given region of the map.
There is a bug in the game engine's cave generator code that causes it to sometimes damage the trees after they've been spawned - I cannot do anything about this. But that's okay, it gives the trees character anyway. :-)
By default, my leafdecay code does not do anything to the leaves on default trees. If enabled, the decay radius is set to 4 by default, and only proximity to default tree trunks is checked (moretrees trunks are ignored).
Also, if some of the jungle trees in your map are originally from Bas080's mod, those will also get picked up by the leafdecay routine, as will default jungle trees, if default jungle tree leaf decay is enabled.
Apples can optionally be configured not to fall.