It works like a typical ladder block, except that you place a single 'generator block' at the top of the space you want to climb, and it generates the field underneath.
It will only generate the field within loaded (visible) chunks, and if you cut out material underneath the field, the resulting space does not get the 'anti gravity' field.
To remedy this, you can use the calibrator unit to fill any open space under a gravity generator. all you have to do is stand inside the field and use (left click) the calibrator.
It is a wonderful tool for digging vertical shafts, because the gravity field is also light emitting.
space under the 'anti gravity' field before using the calibrator:
and after:
here's a vertical shaft i dug while standing inside the 'anti gravity' field:
and here it is after recalibrating the field:
generator blocks placed side by side to create a wider field:
here's what the old version of the generator field looks like:
The field texture displays a little weird. it'll sparkle as your perspective changes. that's because it's a really high res picture of a bunch of tiny dots. I wanted to be able to see the field, but still see through it.
If you place a generator block above another, the lower one will disappear. you can't place nodes inside the field, or dig the field, but you can push it using the mesecons mod. i recommend adding the field node to the 'unmovables' exceptions in the mesecons lua
here's the recipes:
Generator Block:
(Mese Block, Mese Block, Mese Block)
(Mese Block, nothing, Mese Block)
(Mese Block, Mese Block, Mese Block)
(nothing, Steel Ingot, nothing)
(Steel Ingot, Mese Block, nothing)
(Steel Ingot, Steel Ingot, nothing)
The code license is: WTFPL, and the textures license is CC BY
Mod dependencies: default
so here's the updated version, which (hopefully) is finished!
it adds animated anti-grav field and humming generator node (thanks Ragnarock and Bzab for your help in making this possible!)
you also travel vertically much faster than before. (via attachment to a high-speed entity)
the new version is now fully working, but i don't know how it performs in multi-player yet. there still may be a few hiccups, so if anybody finds a bug please let me know! i'd like it to be stable before i put it in the releases.
Here's a bug; wherever the generator and field is placed, it makes a shadow on the nodes that touch it. anybody know how to stop this?
so here it is:
here's the older, boringer version: ...
any ideas on how to make it better, let me know.