- the corals can be crafted on any place into dyes (4). When the colormachine mod is enabled, the corals must be crafted in the colormachine
- the lights (seaglass), cobble, gravel and stone can either be made using all 3 ingredients or by making 'base-'blocks and combining those later with dye. The ingredients can be placed anywhere in the craft
- cobble can be cooked into stone and stone drops cobble
- stonebricks are made by combining 4 stone-blocks in a square
- lights, cobble, gravel, stone and stonebricks can make stairs and slabs like those in the 'default/stairs' mod. Just don't expect gravel stairs and slabs to stick to the ceiling
- Not only punching can put lights (including stairs and slabs) on/off, but also putting them anywhere in the crafting grid turns them into their opposite[/spoiler]
Downloads 0.4.2:
Zip: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/654 ... .0.4.2.zip
Tar.gz: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/654 ... 4.2.tar.gz
7z: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/654 ... a.
Dependencies ?=optional:
- clams --> default
- noairblocks --> default
- seacobble --> default, dye, stairs, clams, whiteshell? , colormachine?
- seacoral --> default, noairblocks, unifieddyes, colormachine?
- seaglass --> default, dye, stairs, clams, stairsshine? , colormachine?
- seagravel --> default, dye, stairs, clams, whiteshell? , colormachine?
- sealamps --> default, bucket, noairblocks
- seaplants --> default, noairblocks
- seastone --> default, dye, stairs, clams, whiteshell? , colormachine?
- seastonebrick --> default, stairs, seastone, colormachine?
- seawrecks --> default
- stairsshine --> default
- whiteshell --> default, clams
Recommended mod to use with the sea modpack: leetelate's scuba mod:
Working direct download link scuba:
When there's no 'sea' node nearby, the water will turn back into normal water (filling air holes at the surface).
Bug coral not appearing when using the colormachine fixed.
Celeron55, Kahrl, VanessaE, Cornernote, Chinchow, Sapier, Inocudom, Jeija, Neuromancer, Sokomine, Mossmanikin, Jouster27, Chlue
- Most of it is under GNU Lesser General Public License 2,1 or later or following the specific licenses of the mods from which code was used
- dirt, sand, gravel, sand, stone and leaves --> Mito551 (sounds) (CC BY-SA)
- dirt, tree and chests textures --> Cisoun's WTFPL texture pack
- animated water textures --> RealBadAngel's animated water (WTFPL)
- cobble and wood textures --> Originating from G4JC's Almost MC Texture Pack
- sea-modpack --> Topywo Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0)
Before using code and textures, look for the specific licenses in the files:
LICENSE AND README.txt of the sea modpack, the readme.txt's of the mods in the sea modpack and the readme.txt's and licenses.txt's and likewise documents of the supporting mods among which the minetest_game mods.