[Mod] Paintings, Pictures and Animations [gemalde]

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[Mod] Paintings, Pictures and Animations [gemalde]

by Casimir » Post

Sorry to release the... 5th (?) paintingmod. But I promise that one is different from the others.

So this adds paintings that you can place on walls.

github: https://github.com/CasimirKaPazi/gemalde
download: https://github.com/CasimirKaPazi/gemald ... 9fc16b.zip

- pictures overlap (bigger than one node; like in... you know)
- maximal size: 3x3 nodes
- maximal size in pixel: none
- adding more paintings is very easy (no lua required)
- switch through paintings by rightclick on it
- switch backwards through paintings by crafting (reduce paintings number by one)
- place several paintings into the crafting grid to reset them to #1 (stack them easier)
- unlimited number of paintings
- animated paintings
- any number of frames (default 8)

Craft still paintings:

Code: Select all

paper paper
paper paper
paper paper
Output: Painting #1

Craft animated paintings:

Code: Select all

book book
book book
book book
Output: Animation #1

Backwards (same for Animations):
Input: Painting #9
Output: Painting #8

Reset (same for Animations):
Input: Painting #9, Painting #55, Painting #42, Painting #8, Painting #7829
Output: 5x Painting #1
This works for up to 9 paintings.

How to add new (still) paintings:
Take a .png-file. Make sure it is square in size. Rename it to "gemalde_x.png" where x is the number of the painting. The mod automatically detects it and you will have it in the game. Make sure you have no gaps. E.g.: 1234-678 would only recognize the first four.

How to add new animated paintings:
Just like above, but rename the .png-file (no .gif) to "gemalde_animated_x.png"
Important: Standard is 8 frames, to use a different number for a specific painting open animated.lua and add the number there.

Code: Select all

--    For other numbers of frames use the following. x is the paintings number. a is the frames count. b the time per frame.
local frames = {
--   {x, a, b},
     {1, 16, 0.125}, -- 16 frames for the first animated painting
Do not forget the comma.

This is 3872x3872 pixels and 8.8MB and it works without problems.

old download:

- fixed paintings overlapping with nodes behind
- new paintings (omsk bird)
- removed paintings

- added option to change animation-speed
- fixed bug in using frame_count
- fixed texturebug when pictures overlap each other
- workaround to fix wrong placed pictures

- animated paintings
- craft to reset multiple paintings to #1 to make stacking easier
- new awesome picture

- removed image limit
- new paintings

GPLv3 or later for code
for pictures see licence_still.txt and licence_animated.txt
everything else is cc-by-sa

depends: default

The core code is based on signs by xyz and PilzAdam.
Last edited by Casimir on Sun Jun 29, 2014 18:22, edited 2 times in total.

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by RAPHAEL » Post

Will have to try this out sometime when I have more time to test.
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by jojoa1997 » Post

awsome mod but i suggest better textures are needed
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by kaeza » Post

You should add some nice paintings from the Edo Period (The Great Wave off Kanagawa perhaps?)
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by Casimir » Post

At the beginning I used the Great Wave, but it seemed to mainstream to me ;)
The pictures used are just examples. I assumed that everyone uses own pictures (that's what I wrote it for). If you have some, feel free to post them here (with licence of course).
Last edited by Casimir on Thu Jan 31, 2013 11:42, edited 1 time in total.

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by Casimir » Post

New version.
Now you can add as many paintings as you want (before it was limited to nine). And some new pictures included.

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by Mito551 » Post

kaeza wrote:Nice!
You should add some nice paintings from the Edo Period

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by 4aiman » Post

How about random download of pictures from some free online galleries? In this mod, I mean. A player will have a node to select "category" and some random picture from that "category" would be downloaded & shown. May CURL be with us ;)
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by Inocudom » Post

You should try to make it so that there is only one node from this mod in the inventory. You could have the player right-click the base node and use that to select a picture. The info concerning which picture was selected can be stored in the same manner that messages on signs are.

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by Inocudom » Post

Is this mod still being worked on? The pictures face sideways sometimes and animated .gif support, if possible, would be a nice addition.

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by Casimir » Post

Inocudom wrote:The pictures face sideways sometimes
Can you explain that more precise, or post a screenshot?

I'm working on the other two things.

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by BZab » Post

Is it compatible with latest git? :D

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by Inocudom » Post

The pictures are sometimes perpendicular to the surface they are placed on (a picture ends up rotated on the vertical axis by 90 degrees relative to the surface it is placed on.)
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by Casimir » Post

Should be.

Just the visible picture or the selectionbox too?

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by Inocudom » Post

Casimir wrote:@BZab
Should be.

Just the visible picture or the selectionbox too?
Just the visible picture. When the node is right-clicked on, the next picture that comes up is in the proper orientation.

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by Casimir » Post

Tomorrow I will make an update adding animated pictures. So if someone wants some animation in there, just post them here.

I think I know the reason for this, but at the moment no solution.

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by BorisGrishenko » Post

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by Casimir » Post

New Version:
- animated paintings
- craft to reset multiple paintings to #1 to make stacking easier
- new awesome picture

New Crafts:

Backwards (same for Animations):
Input: Painting #9
Output: Painting #8

Reset (same for Animations):
Input: Painting #9, Painting #55, Painting #42, Painting #8, Painting #7829
Output: 5x Painting #1
This works for up to 9 paintings.

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by Casimir » Post

New version in first post.

I added an ABM that should fix that. It checks every five seconds if the picture is placed correct. Not a nice solution but it should work.

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by Bas080 » Post

I like your paintings mod. No need to dig and place if you want to change the image.

I would like it more if big and small images have different crafts.


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by Shoggoth » Post

I like this mod, it is great. Now I can use my ugly photos to build a gallery.

If I run the command /clearobjects all 'gemalde' are invisible and I have to rearrange them anew. Is this a bug or feature ? (:

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by bentleysb » Post

It would be great if you could place the paintings on the ceiling and floor. I was looking to use this to make decretive control panels but can’t have them on anything but walls at the moment. Also it would be nice to have this so as to be able to put murals on the ceiling or to make some awesome rugs.

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by jojoa1997 » Post

You cant. But minetes does have a way you can get image pixels PxP 16x16 32x32 and you could use that to set the nodebox size
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by lonely » Post

AWASOME! I can switch the size either. Cool mod.
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by Casimir » Post

Bas080 wrote:Image
Do you want me to include this? What is it showing?
Shoggoth wrote:If I run the command /clearobjects all 'gemalde' are invisible and I have to rearrange them anew. Is this a bug or feature ? (:
Kind of both. If you run /clearobjects you do that for some purpose I don't know, so I don't want to work against this. I want the mod to do what you want, and not to lead a life on it's own. Ask your self why you use that command so often, you might can fix that reason.
bentleysb wrote:It would be great if you could place the paintings on the ceiling and floor.
Since this is using entities it is currently not possible, because you can not change the pitch of an entity.

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