Short summary of functionality:
* wield the replacer
* shift + right-click in order to store block type, orientation and color of the block you are pointing at
* right-click to place a block like the stored one from your inventory with the stored rotation and color
* left-click to replace the block you clicked at with the stored one; the replaced one will go into your inventory
* left-click with inspector on blocks and entities to learn more about them (i.e. craft receipe)
Particulary useful when:
* stairs, slabs, slopes and/or other blocks from moreblocks are used
* you are unsure which material will look best and can't/don't want to use WorldEdit
* building roads
* creating pixelart
Not needed when:
* other types of games are used where nobody is supposed to build anything (not even your moderators; no worldbuilders present)
* absolute minimalism - only solid blocks, WorldEdit privs for all, no small/detailed buildings
* the server was started by accident; you want to get rid of builders and hope they'll leave if you force them to struggle more with game control than needed
* you love simple cobble boxes without roof or decoration more than anything else
Blacklist functionality:
If you operate a server and want to prevent players from either placing or replacing certain blocks, you can create a custom server mod, let it soft-depend on the replacer mod and i.e call
Code: Select all
replacer.blacklist[ "protector:protect2"] = true;
Long explanation (images have been lost):
Texture and rotation of a node are set at the same time. This allows easier handling of stairsplus-nodes: Just rotate one in the right direction, sneak-rightclick on that correctly rotated node, and either left-click to replace old nodes or right-click to place further nodes with exactly the same rotation.
The mod uses minetest.is_protected provided that the server version is recent enough. That's only relevant for multiplayer servers.
This mod allows you to create more intresting buildings by building the walls first and placing decorative nodes into those walls afterwards (e.g. windows). It replaces every node you left-click on with the node-type you last sneak-right-clicked on (all while wielding the replacement tool). You don't have to dig the old node first and place a new one afterwards. This is most useful for creative building. If you are in survival mode, you have to have enough of the selected replacement nodes in your inventory. For each left-click, the old/replaced node will be added to your inventory and the new one substracted from your inventory. For each normal right click, the stored block type will be placed with the stored
Craft one chest in the upper left corner, another chest in the lower right corner, and a stick in the middle:

Sample usage: Making a roof and decorating a hut
First, let's start with a very simple hut. The brick shall later be turned into a real roof.

Now, let's craft some stone stairs and place them the way we want the roof to be orientated:

Sneak-rightclick on the stone-stairs. Afterwards, left-click on the brick we want to replace:

Repeat the same for the other side. We need to place a new stair here because it's orientation is diffrent:

Finish the roof by left-clicking on the brick nodes on that side:

Now we want to add some glass. Place one on the floor, sneak-rightclick, and then left-click on some wood. See how 8 glass where consumed and 8 wooden planks returned:

Now we want to change the wood into brick. After crafting the bricks back into brick nodes, placing one, sneak-rightclicking and left-clicking once on each wood node, we get the desired result:

The hut may not be very impressive, but the tool is definitely useful. One advantage is that you can build roofs without having to care much about your current view direction. The second is that you can place decorative nodes (and especially windows) very easily into a wall and thus add details to your building. Replacing nodes can of course be done with worldedit as well - provided you have got the privs.
The mod also includes a second tool, which looks like a question mark and provides information about things you may find in your Minetest world. That tool comes bundled with the replacer as both are small but useful. The texture for the new tool has been done by VanessaE.
Sometimes you want to know the name and/or rotation of a particular node. The "//inspect" command from WorldEdit does that, but you can also use this new inspect tool. It provides information about protection as well:

You can get information about unknown nodes and find out what they used to be:

Works for mobs as well (also for unknown ones):

There's a mini-craft-guide included which will show the receipes of blocks upon right-click or - in case of dropped blocks/tools/items lying somewhere - sneak (usually shift)+leftclick. The individual indigrents can be clicked at and their receipes will be shown as well. If there is more than one receipe for something, you can click through all alternate receipes with prev/next buttons. The inspection tool can be crafted like this:

The most common groups are supported, but it is not as extensive as i.e. inventory_plus:

Receipes which require special machines show which machine they require. In the case of the circular saw, there is currently some guessing involved:

Version: Please download from GitHub. The attachments are out of date.
3.1 Fixed bug regarding protection. Added blacklist for blocks.
3.0 Added inspect tool with mini-craftguide.
2.1 Bugfix for survival mode
2.0 Facedir/rotation of nodes is stored and transfered as well.
Browse code:
Depends on: nothing; works in non-creative mode just as well
License: GPLv3