This mod adds a travelnet box that can be placed and will connect to all other stations set up by the same player with the same network name. Unlike teleporters, it does not have to search its environment for players wanting transfer. To use it, right-click on the box and select a target. You do not have to worry about coordinates. Just select the same name for all stations you want to connect to each other. If you added or removed a box, punch all the others on the network once to update their target list.
Target list of the sightseeing-network on Redcrabs server illustrating what the mod is good for:

Update 09.03.2019: Click on "Remove station" to dig a travelnet.
(Old) Update: Elevators (written by kpo) added!
Elevators are simplifed travelnet boxes. They can only "travel" up and down. The first elevator placed in one x/z place will be considered ground level. You can enter station names if you want.
Sample stations of an elevator:

Craft a travelnet box with two rows of glass and in the middle one block of MESE sourrounded by iron ingots. Craft an elevator with two rows of steel ingots and in the middle nothing sourrounded by glass:

Elevator doors can be made out of glass or steel. They will open and close automaticly if you use a travelnet box or an elevator. Normal doors can be used as well! Open/close doors manually with the appropiate button in the destination menu.
Craft a door by placing two vertical rows at both sides in the crafting grid (either steel or glass):

Version: 2.3.1 Added extra buttons for locked_travelnet mod.
Version: 2.3 Dig travelnets by clicking on "Remove station".
Version: 2.2 The travlenets can restore their networks via an abm if their savefile got lost and the abm is enabled via travelnet.abm_enabled = true
Version: 2.0 Elevators and doors added, groups changed to avoid accidental digs, can only be digged by owner or people with travelnet_remove priv now. For a detailed changelog, see the header of the code.
Liszence: GPLv3
Depends: nothing/default
Download: https://github.com/Sokomine/travelnet/zipball/master
Browse code: https://github.com/Sokomine/travelnet
Many thanks goes to kaeza for helping understand many of the oddities the lua language has. kpo has written the basic nodes for the elevator. VanessaE has helped with testing, provided images and ideas for improvement. Thanks to everybody who helped!
[Edit] If you need a version for a PvP server, the locked travelnet might be of intrest to you. In all other situations, please use only the public ones.