[Mod] travelnet teleporters/bookmarks [2.0][travelnet]

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[Mod] travelnet teleporters/bookmarks [2.0][travelnet]

by Sokomine » Post

Normal travelnet box, elevator station with open steel doors, travelnet box with closed glass doors:

This mod adds a travelnet box that can be placed and will connect to all other stations set up by the same player with the same network name. Unlike teleporters, it does not have to search its environment for players wanting transfer. To use it, right-click on the box and select a target. You do not have to worry about coordinates. Just select the same name for all stations you want to connect to each other. If you added or removed a box, punch all the others on the network once to update their target list.

Target list of the sightseeing-network on Redcrabs server illustrating what the mod is good for:

Update 09.03.2019: Click on "Remove station" to dig a travelnet.
(Old) Update: Elevators (written by kpo) added!
Elevators are simplifed travelnet boxes. They can only "travel" up and down. The first elevator placed in one x/z place will be considered ground level. You can enter station names if you want.
Sample stations of an elevator:

Craft a travelnet box with two rows of glass and in the middle one block of MESE sourrounded by iron ingots. Craft an elevator with two rows of steel ingots and in the middle nothing sourrounded by glass:
Image Image

Elevator doors can be made out of glass or steel. They will open and close automaticly if you use a travelnet box or an elevator. Normal doors can be used as well! Open/close doors manually with the appropiate button in the destination menu.
Craft a door by placing two vertical rows at both sides in the crafting grid (either steel or glass):
Image Image

Version: 2.3.1 Added extra buttons for locked_travelnet mod.
Version: 2.3 Dig travelnets by clicking on "Remove station".
Version: 2.2 The travlenets can restore their networks via an abm if their savefile got lost and the abm is enabled via travelnet.abm_enabled = true
Version: 2.0 Elevators and doors added, groups changed to avoid accidental digs, can only be digged by owner or people with travelnet_remove priv now. For a detailed changelog, see the header of the code.
Liszence: GPLv3
Depends: nothing/default
Download: https://github.com/Sokomine/travelnet/zipball/master
Browse code: https://github.com/Sokomine/travelnet

Many thanks goes to kaeza for helping understand many of the oddities the lua language has. kpo has written the basic nodes for the elevator. VanessaE has helped with testing, provided images and ideas for improvement. Thanks to everybody who helped!

[Edit] If you need a version for a PvP server, the locked travelnet might be of intrest to you. In all other situations, please use only the public ones.
Last edited by Sokomine on Sun Mar 10, 2019 15:28, edited 6 times in total.
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by Likwid H-Craft » Post

Kind of like Dr. Who.
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by Sokomine » Post

Dr. Who travels in time as well and has hardly any consicous control of where he will end up. This just looks like a telephone cell because that seemd fitting :-)
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by lkjoel » Post

that's really cool!
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by BZab » Post


I'd like, to have time to improve your textures :P

@EDIT: Usefull to deep mines :P
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by Likwid H-Craft » Post

How many can we, make? Bookmarks? is it unlimited?
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by Topywo » Post


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by Sokomine » Post

Each network may consist of up to 24 stations. That will be up to three rows of eight targets. More would be too much for that list. The amount of networks per player is not limited, so you can just open a new network.
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by paramat » Post

Very cool mod ;}

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by legumev » Post

Nice, but a few glitches:

1. entering configuration data is hit and miss: sometimes, I have to restart 3 or 4 times because it won't let me go from writing network name to station name.

2. I did a 3 station network, but one station only displays one of the 2 other destinations, so I have to go through it to get to the other one.

3. I had to reconfigure one station several times because it would not display any of the other 2 stations on the network.

Even so, it is quite handy and I would love to see it more consistent.

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by Sokomine » Post

For point 1, it might help if you switch to fullscreen. I had some difficulties with the formspecs in lower resolution as well. Maybe another arrangement of the formspec fields will help. I'll try that in the next version.
If you add new stations, punch all the other ones on the network once so that they can update. This may take a moment if the server is very busy. If punching doesn't help, please provide me with some debug info via PN. The file mod_travelnet.data in your world/* directory may help here.
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by GermanGuy » Post

The mod doesn't work. Have i doing it right? Image

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by legumev » Post

Sokomine wrote:For point 1, it might help if you switch to fullscreen. I had some difficulties with the formspecs in lower resolution as well. Maybe another arrangement of the formspec fields will help. I'll try that in the next version.
If you add new stations, punch all the other ones on the network once so that they can update. This may take a moment if the server is very busy. If punching doesn't help, please provide me with some debug info via PN. The file mod_travelnet.data in your world/* directory may help here.

For updating the network on all stations, I did figure out that I had to dig once each station: that worked fine, Also, for entering text in full screen, that works too, thanks.

Now, I have a new problem: I have switched to the latest build .4.4.d1 and there is no more mese, it is replaced with cristals and the craft guide mod does not give me any recipe for the travelnet stations with cristals, or any recipe to make mese from cristals, and I also see a warning on the log :

"error: Savefile 'C:\user...\worlds\test 4.4d1/mod_travelnet.data' not found."

Any suggestion?

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by legumev » Post

GermanGuy wrote:The mod doesn't work. Have i doing it right? Image

I think you should rename the mod just "travelnet". This renaming to simple name of downloaded mod files seems to be a rule for most mods.

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by Sokomine » Post

GermanGuy wrote: The mod doesn't work. Have i doing it right?
Probably not. Unfortionately, "doesn't work" is too unspecific to find out what's the problem with your installation :-( Does the mod load at all? What happens when you place a box?
legumev wrote: For updating the network on all stations, I did figure out that I had to dig once each station: that worked fine, Also, for entering text in full screen, that works too, thanks.
Digging is similar to punching, while punching is a single click. So you did the right thing. As far as the formspec goes, I'll have to update that. It's strange that it can't use the entire screen.

A full mese block can be crafted with 9 mese crystals iirc. That may be a bit expensive. You can exchange the default:mese with default:mese_crystal in the receipe (somewhere in the init.lua in that folder) to keep the price.

The error message just says that there is no safefile yet. If you place travelnet boxes in your test 5.5d1 world, that file ought to be created and filled with data. The error message will then disappear.
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by legumev » Post

Sokomine wrote:
GermanGuy wrote: The mod doesn't work. Have i doing it right?
Probably not. Unfortionately, "doesn't work" is too unspecific to find out what's the problem with your installation :-( Does the mod load at all? What happens when you place a box?
legumev wrote: For updating the network on all stations, I did figure out that I had to dig once each station: that worked fine, Also, for entering text in full screen, that works too, thanks.
Digging is similar to punching, while punching is a single click. So you did the right thing. As far as the formspec goes, I'll have to update that. It's strange that it can't use the entire screen.

A full mese block can be crafted with 9 mese crystals iirc. That may be a bit expensive. You can exchange the default:mese with default:mese_crystal in the receipe (somewhere in the init.lua in that folder) to keep the price.

The error message just says that there is no safefile yet. If you place travelnet boxes in your test 5.5d1 world, that file ought to be created and filled with data. The error message will then disappear.
Great, I made my first station, thanks!
I had been lucky mining far down earlier and I have a nice stock of mese cristals :-)

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by Topywo » Post

legumev wrote: Now, I have a new problem: I have switched to the latest build .4.4.d1 and there is no more mese, it is replaced with cristals ........
Any suggestion?
There are still mese-blocks below -1024 (at least in a 22 february version)

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by VanessaE » Post

And the crystals are used in recipes now, including the standard mese pickaxe.
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by GermanGuy » Post

legumev wrote:
GermanGuy wrote:The mod doesn't work. Have i doing it right? Image

I think you should rename the mod just "travelnet". This renaming to simple name of downloaded mod files seems to be a rule for most mods.

Thanks,works now.The mod doesn't load before :)

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by Josh » Post

Great mod Sokomine, I am going to use these to travel to intresting parts in my creative town.

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by Mihobre » Post

I had many of those travelnet boxes and removed three. I punched all other boxes but the removed ones didn't get removed from the list. What should I do now?
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by Mito551 » Post

Mihobre wrote:I had many of those travelnet boxes and removed three. I punched all other boxes but the removed ones didn't get removed from the list. What should I do now?

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by webdesigner97 » Post

Very cool mod, Soko! +1

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by Sokomine » Post

Mihobre wrote: I had many of those travelnet boxes and removed three. I punched all other boxes but the removed ones didn't get removed from the list. What should I do now?
Install the latest version from github :-) I fixed that bug yesterday. In order to remove stations that got removed in the meantime, travel via travelnet to these places once. The net will notice that the receiving station is no longer there and delete it.

Several players asked for a way to attach their stations to the networks of other players. You can do so now if you have the travelnet_attach priv. In that case, you can supply the name of the owner of the network you want your box attached to and it will be added to that players' network.

VanessaE suggested to set pitch and yaw of the player after teleport. This is included now. Regardless of where you did look at previously, you will look out of the receiving box and can see where you ended up (at least in new versions of MT). There is also a simulated teleporter effect VanessaE wished for. It does not look as good as intended and may require changes. Just try it out and tell what you think of it. Any leftover "beam" entities can be removed by punching.

If there are few stations on a network, they now get centered in the menu.
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by Sokomine » Post

Sorry, the setting of the look direction is not available on older versions of MT. The mod crashed there. Please pull the latest version which contains a fix (if the server does not have the function, you'll end up in the receiving box looking in the same direction as when you entered the start box). Also, the fancy beam effect is now disabled by default. You can enable it again by setting travelnet_effect_enabled to true.
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