Download:version 1.0
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License: Texture... WTFPL
Code... WTFPL
Mod dependencies: default
Crafting: Forcefield Generators

[V1.0] Place crafted forcefield generator at least 60 block away from other forcefield generators. Place coal in anywhere in forcefield generator inventory to activate forcefield. Change value range in inventory to change range, only 6 - 30 are allowed. It will take range/6 coal every 60 seconds and every 10 times hit. It will also suck range/6 coal if forcefield is updated by punching the generator. It will take a lot of coal away if it was effected by explosives. Forcefield generator will automatically replace forcefield every time inventory is closed. When coal run out or when you take coal away, forcefield will stop.

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To Do: Let owner through, make extra inventory adding space, put in automatic replace code for choice, put in circular field for choice.
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