License: GNU AGPL v3
Basically, this means everyone is free to use, modify, and distribute the mod, as long as modifications are also licensed the same way.
Most importantly, the Affero variant of the GPL requires you to publish your modifications in source form, even if the mod is run only on the server, and not distributed.
Dependencies: none
GitHub: https://github.com/Uberi/Minetest-WorldEdit
WorldEdit aims to be Rolling Release which means you can rely on the latest state of development working correctly. This is the preferred way of installation.
You can download a git snapshot here: ZIP file
If you for some reason prefer to have a "stable" version, please check below:
WorldEdit 1.3: ZIP file (release notes)
You can find older releases on Github.
Historic code snapshots (before 0.5) can be viewed here: https://github.com/Uberi/Minetest-World ... s/historic Setup instrutions
Enable the whole modpack from either the Main Menu or by editing world.mt.
Just grant the “worldedit” privilege to yourself or another player.
/grant <name> worldedit
Usage instructions
List of commands
If you're just beginning, take a look at the official tutorial.
The old tutorial can be found below, it's shorter and only explains the base concepts. Selecting a region
Type //p set and punch the two edges like in the image below.

Go to the first position and type //pos1
Go to the second position and type //pos2
Type //fixedpos set1 <x> <y> <z> with the coordinates for P1.
Type //fixedpos set2 <x> <y> <z> with the coordinates for P2.
Filling a region
Type //set blockname and wait for “x Blocks set”
Replacing blocks
Type //replace blockname1 blockname2 and wait for "x Blocks replaced"
Stacking the selection
Type //stack direction amount and wait for "x Blocks stacked"
Valid Directions are: x y z ?
If the ? direction is given the current direction of the player is used.
You need to use a negative amount if you want to stack backwards
Moving the selection
Type //move direction amount and wait for "x Blocks moved"
Valid Directions are: x y z ?
If the ? direction is given the current direction of the player is used.
You need to use a negative amount if you want to move backwards
Copying the selection
Type //copy direction amount and wait for "x Blocks copied"
Valid Directions are: x y z ?
If the ? direction is given the current direction of the player is used.
You must use a negative amount if you want to copy backwards
Saving the selected nodes into a schematic file
Type //save filename and wait for "x Blocks saved"
The File is located in the world folder in the directory schems
Supports loading old and new WorldEdit Format!
Importing nodes from a schematic file
Type //load filename and wait for "x Blocks loaded"
The nodes will be loaded relative to P1
The File is read from the world folder in the directory schems