This mod provides a "Wiki" block. You can create and edit pages with it.
The pages are saved as <worldpath>/wiki/<pagename>. All spaces in the page name are converted to underscores, and all other characters not in [A-Za-z0-9-] are converted to hex notation %XX.
The text can contain hyperlinks in the form of [link text] to other pages. Such links are added at the right of the form. The layout supports up to 30 links.
You can craft a "Wiki block" by putting 9 bookshelves in the crafting grid.
Only players with the "wiki" priv can create/edit pages.
Remember to rename the directory to just 'wiki' after installing!
BSD 2 Clause
Download: ZIP, TGZ
Browse code on GitHub
Known Problems:
Textareas in Minetest have no scrollbars. Use the keyboard or mouse to scroll.