Image Loader Mod
This mod allows loading image files from Lua, allowing other mods to manipulate the images.It also has a chat command to place such images into the world, reducing the colors to a given "palette" of nodes.
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The main interface is released under the WTFPL.
The BMP loader is a component of the Allegro library, and was ported from C by me. It is released under the Giftware License.
The test image is a conversion to BMP of the default MESE Pickaxe. License is CC-BY-SA.
Place your images in the `<moddir>/images' directory, then use the `/loadimage <filename>' command to load it at your current position.
This mod currently only supports the following image formats:
- Windows or OS/2 Bitmaps (.bmp). Note: only 24bit, uncompressed files are supported.
- Portable Network Graphics (.png). Supposedly it should support every kind of PNG type that exists (truecolor, grayscale, interlaced, etc), as long as it is well-formed.