Based on Bitcoins and Currency and Economy.

Included items and nodes: (from top left to bottom right)
- MineCoin Block, MineCoin, MineNinth: The actual money
- Warehouse: Extended locked chest, disabled by default
- Money changer: Converts MineNinths <-> MineCoins <-> MineCoin Blocks
- Donation box: A few slots for donations for the owner
- Exchange shop: Improved exchange shop from Currency and Economy with more space and custom titles
- Tool repair: Consumes money to repair any tool

More Features:
- Per-world configuration: Edit worlds/[your_world]/bitchange_config.txt
- Pipeworks support: Disabled by default
- Gold to MineCoin Block crafting
- Moreores: zinc & tin to MineCoin crafting
- Get a crafting guide, like u_i, zcg, craft_guide
Optional dependencies:
- moreores (craft ores -> money)
- pipeworks
- quartz (craft ores -> money)
- technic_worldgen, wrench (craft ores -> money, pick up shops)
Links: Master *.zip | Browse code