Coloured stone bricks

Decorative blocks which would look nice on any building or creation.
Dependencies: default, dye
License: WTFPL
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Suggestions and feedback are welcome! :)
Let him bephilipbenr wrote:This is similar to my variator mod...
Apologies, I had never seen that mod. I suppose this is a bit different though as they have brighter and bolder texturesphilipbenr wrote:This is similar to my variator mod...
Sounds like a good idea. Maybe I will try working on that.4aiman wrote:I think that coloured stone should be a bit darker. For example, painting a real stone with a powder to be white won't make it snow-white. Same goes for all colours. Maybe colours can be made with semi-transparent overlay?
Otherwise nice.
Sorry, but I haven't used your mod - I'd like to have as little different blocks as possible in my game.philipbenr wrote:[sarcasm] Thanks for all the support! [/sarcasm]
Can you copy/paste the ERROR lines from the (bottom part of) the file called "debug.txt"?davi54l wrote:I have renamed and results on mod error.
Thanks Sokomine!Sokomine wrote:The colouredstonebricks mod is also supported by my colormachine now.
Best use the stairsplus version integrated into moreblocks and released by Caliou. That one works fine.Fritigern wrote: The stairsplus version is the master from
Done, and now I have no more issues with colouredstonebricks. Thank you!Sokomine wrote:Best use the stairsplus version integrated into moreblocks and released by Caliou. That one works fine.Fritigern wrote: The stairsplus version is the master from
Still maintained :)Onyx wrote:Hi,
Is this mod still maintained?
There have been no fixes since march of this year regarding problems with 'stairsplus'.
See : ... s/issues/6
Not sure why this would be the case on my side. We're using the correct naming function for stairs etc. Perhaps try asking the creator of the coloured clay mod to see what the problem is there (I couldn't find the code for it).theangelcaroll wrote:I found a problem.
I have the Colored Clay mod installed as well as this one and when I put a red, white, dark green, green, dark grey, grey, cyan, or brown brick into the work bench, the clay slabs and stairs show up, instead of the stone brick slabs and stairs.
I don't know how to fix it, I also know nothing about coding.
Could someone please help? :3