Features of the traders:
- they never wander around and do not use any cpu ressources while not trading - they're completely passive (=server friendly!)
- very tiny media data footprint - no increase in connection time
- no dependencies on other mods
- new skins can be added (any playerskin will do)
- highly configurable: Name, animation, height, width and texture can be set.
- they can be picked up, carried around and placed at a new location (provided you own the mob)
- each trader can make up to 24 diffrent offers simultaneously
- for each offer, there may be up to 6 diffrent ways of payment (3 for more complex offers)
- complex offers may consist of packages of up to 4 item stacks which can be exchanged simultaneously
- The exchange of items is done automaticly. Clicking on the desired good and then on the payment will do the trade. There's no need for moving your inventory around manually.
- There is a wide variety of pre-defined traders for lots of mods and goods (lumberjacks, farmers, ..)
- Players can create individual traders which sell goods from locked chests owned by the player.
- No need to waste trade goods in order to store what the trader is supposed to sell.
- You can let your trader buy items if you either know the item name of what you want (i.e. default:nyancat) or do have at least one sample item.
- Money and money2 are supported.
- Trade offers can be edited, deleted and added.
- With the /trader command, traders can be spawned by players who have the mob_basics_spawn priv.
- Players can get a limited amount of own traders by using a special large trader chest.
- The /moblist command shows you where all the traders are.
- After a /clearallobjects, the /moblist command can also be used to restore the removed mobs by requesting a copy for your inventory and placing that back into the world.
- Extra large chests fascilitate storage management for the traders.
When you click on one of the goods (this time, it's a player-owned trader selling packages), it may look like this:
The mod is named mobf_trader, although the only thing they still have in common with the traders found in Sapiers animals modpack is the way they trade and some of the goods they offer. The mod is a continuation of/replacement for mobf_trader from my random_buildings modpack - and more. Not only does it add traders that offer fixed sets of goods (i.e. the lumberjacks which sell moretree wood) - it also adds traders that can be used and configured by players. In short: Whenever you want players to be able to trade, this might be the mod for you.
Unlike other mob mods, this one is very lightweight. There is no additional media data for large models which might increase connection time - there's just a tiny number of skins (same as playerskins) which is practically nothing. The player model is used for the mobs. Traders that stand around on your server and wait for customers do exactly that - they stand around all day, using no cpu ressources for movement or anything else whatsoever. They're completely passive until you right-click them and do the trade. At that instant, they act like shops.
Admins with the mob_basics_spawn priv can spawn traders with the chat command
Code: Select all
Code: Select all
/trader default
There are plenty of pre-defined types available. You can easily add your own ones if you take a look at the way traders are defined. But that's not all: There are also traders of the type individual that can be configured ingame and be used by players to trade goods with other players.
In order to get your own trader, you first need to craft an extra large chest. That one makes it easier for the trader to access the inventory from which he is supposed to sell your goods. However, the trader may also use other locked chests (including technic's gold chests) owned by you.
That special chest contains up to 400 slots. Click on Select rows to access the other slots. To compensate for that large inventory, it does not tolerate other locked chests close to it and will refuse to be placed too close to one.
If you want to get an overview of all the things you've stored in that large chest, click on Statistic:
And, to finally get your trader, click on Request Trader. Each player may have up to 2 traders (this can be changed). Each trader costs you 12 gold ingots, which you have to place inside the large chest. The price is of course configurable.
Traders can be configured: Animation (stand, sit, sleep, walk, mine and walk&mine) can be set (stand or sit are probably the best choice); the name can be set; height and width are changeable (smaller mobs will float a bit - no way to change that), and of course the texture can be
Now right-click the trader and arrange the items in your inventory in the topmost row. The item at the top left will be the one you're selling - the other items will be possible payments. The item names and their amount is shown in the formspec below and can be changed before you click on Store.
This is how this offer looks like:
You can also offer up to four items as a package. The prices may similarily consist of up to four diffrent items. The colored background (green, blue, grey, blue) shows you which inventory slots will be used for what: Green is what you offer, and the rest are up to three diffrent alternate prices.
That more complex offer will look like this:
And here is how it looks after you have bought something (in this case, payment 3 was choosen):
Sometimes you want to buy some items of a kind - i.e. a few stacks of junglewood (from other players) - but do not want to have your entire trade chest filled with it. In such a case, click on Limits. Item name, amount of that item found in your chest, when to sell, when to buy, and the nodename are listed.
Click on one of those items to change the limits:
Download: https://github.com/Sokomine/mobf_trader ... master.zip
Browse code: https://github.com/Sokomine/mobf_trader
Version: 0.5
Licence: GPLv3
License for textures: CC-BY-SA; three of the skins are done by Jordach
directly, and the one with the hat was done by Addi (based on Jordachs skin)
Depends on: -nothing-
- default (clay trader, flowers, misc, default, ores)
- animals modpack
- farming plus
- moretrees
- money: use
money 123 to set a price of 123 credits; use money2 123 if you
use the money2 mod (each instead of i.e. default:cobble 99)
Some traders from the first generation of this mod can be seen in action on the King-Arthurs Land server.
There may still be bugs (all those formspecs and user input are likely to contain errors), but it ought to work well enough already. If you operate a server, please at least give it a try as it will fascilitate trading a lot.