[Game] Big Freaking Dig [0.5]

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[Game] Big Freaking Dig [0.5]

by Jordach » Post


Big Freaking Dig is exactly what it says on the tin: get as many ores as possible, while fighting mobs and creating tools from new materials, such as cobalt - which can double the durability of a tool when adding a Mese Pickaxe Head onto a Cobalt Stick.

The refined tools allows users to make brand new tools which means Iron Tools can dig at Mese Level, and even further, or one could possibly triple durability of their tools. The choice is up to the user.

Another addition is the use of Oil, this useful material only generates underground in all layers. Oil can be used in the Oil TBM (based from TBM Reloaded), and can dig at double the speed, Oil may also be used to power furnaces, allowing people to remove their dependance from coal and use that for torches. Oil might also have more uses than people realize. It might also burn itself away if it generates next to lava.


https://github.com/Jordach/big_freaking ... master.zip

Or, alternatively;


Snowy highlands.

Soapstone hills bordering on a evergreen forest.

Floral hills bordering on a beach.

The Mapgen V6 biome - this biome is a homage to what happens when BFD is ran under Mapgen V6.

Another shot of the Mapgen V6 biome.

Another evergreen forest bordering on a beach.

In BFD, there isn't just life, but also, the dead - featuring the desert and dead forest.

A oak forest bordering on a dead forest.

A small beach with two nearby birch forests.

Eden's garden and a wheat grass on a large hill.

A floral oak forest.

Intriguing mountainous area with an oak forest.

Two waterfalls coming from a small mountain.


No minetest_game derived mods will work within BFD, this is because I based BFD from my own code and not code from the original Minetest Game.

This game is more geared towards self-containment of it's own content - which means everything within BFD will work with BFD.

Why does the fist / tools take so long compared to minetest_game?

I did this to make the first day wooden tools only, and it makes it more of a challenge when mobs are surrounding you.
The second day should be stone tools, and the next week Steel, but until a few weeks (ingame), you should be able to make the first set of custom tools.

As soon as you reach Steel, the tool speed should match the old fist speed from Minetest, and the wooden tools (namely wooden pickaxe for stone)

Why does the mapgen look different?

This is because BFD uses the new map generators, which is known as MGV7 (or v7 in the world creator) and MGV5 (known as v5 respectively), which (depending on the mapgen) has rivers, real mountains, custom biome support, different styles of trees.
Last edited by Jordach on Sat Jul 18, 2015 15:16, edited 17 times in total.

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by rubenwardy » Post

I quite like this concept. I forked it yesterday, and I look forward to possibly contributing.
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by hoodedice » Post

And after three days of relentless coding, it is out.

I marvel at your persistent ability to code =)
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by spillz » Post

Great stuff Jordach. WIth a time limit and a scoring system this could be fun, especially as a multiplayer game.

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by Jordach » Post

hoodedice wrote:And after three days of relentless coding, it is out.

I marvel at your persistent ability to code =)
Ores need to be plopped in, but most of it is done.

Read most.

Also: the difference between a bug and a feature:

Should it happen often = yes, and this is a feature:

Should it not happen often, but appears to, = bug, or just simply

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by Jordach » Post

Been working on a new type of tool crafting, an example is here in .svg, make sure your browser supports svg extensions.

Lost the original file, might reconstruct it or rehost it on my server.
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by Inocudom » Post

Would you care to show us what the male and female models look like?

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by playzooki » Post

awesome name,

this games cool, but i dont really like to have to mine loads so its not really my cup of tea
bad signature is bad

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by twoelk » Post

Having to dig that deep for oil is quite a lot of time I would have to spend underground. Maybe you should let small amounts seep to the surface like them tarpits of old, keeping them rare though, just enough to get interested. I would rather have a reason to wander the landscape. Maybe oil producing plants like oilpalms or olive trees? Or ... maybe whales to hunt? I like the idea though that oil is something difficult and expensive to get.

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by Inocudom » Post

I don't like the whole idea of there being a time limit. Also, you should allow people to mod this game-type if they want to.

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by Jordach » Post

Inocudom wrote:I don't like the whole idea of there being a time limit. Also, you should allow people to mod this game-type if they want to.
The only parts of default that stayed is sounds.lua and player.lua, with extreme modifications to player.lua.

And there is no time limit, however on some servers, you could have one locked chest to store the ores in, and get points for accumulating X ores.

Is an example of the female model, while the male (default, unspecified gender) is as you'd expect. It's based from my animatic models. (Distant relative) ;)

The reason for the long digging times is simple: I wanted some form of bridge between MTG and RealTest, but with a MTG style gameplay.

Wooden tools exist for first day usage (they halve the time compared to fists, but do not last), while ideally stone should be for the second, and so on.

My development is much slower, while the tradeoff is that nothing should (usually) have a bug.
Last edited by Jordach on Sat Jul 18, 2015 12:42, edited 1 time in total.

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by twoelk » Post

seeing the above pic and still musing about tar pits the unlucky Tasha Yar of Enterprise NG sprung to my mind. Remember that tar pit monster? So how about an oily monster that can't be killed with sharp weapons or tools. You would have to hit it with an oil can several times to drench it of its oily juice, filling the can along the way. They could spawn and live near oily stuff and be very protective about it, never wandering far from their habitat. They shouldn't be as agressive as the dungeon master at a distance but pretty nasty when close up, maybe suffocating the player and blocking the view while fighting. That could be an amusing alternative to the usual hit me with a diamond sword monster.

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by Jordach » Post

twoelk wrote:seeing the above pic and still musing about tar pits the unlucky Tasha Yar of Enterprise NG sprung to my mind. Remember that tar pit monster? So how about an oily monster that can't be killed with sharp weapons or tools. You would have to hit it with an oil can several times to drench it of its oily juice, filling the can along the way. They could spawn and live near oily stuff and be very protective about it, never wandering far from their habitat. They shouldn't be as agressive as the dungeon master at a distance but pretty nasty when close up, maybe suffocating the player and blocking the view while fighting. That could be an amusing alternative to the usual hit me with a diamond sword monster.
Oil is not renewable, otherwise, people would not bother taking the oil sources, and just farm the monsters instead. (It's possible to do that currently, getting it *right* would be hard)


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by Jordach » Post

Welcome to the Glacier Biome, where no friendly mob spawns, but unfriendly ones do, oh, and there is NO FOOD HERE.


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by paramat » Post

Jordach wrote:Is an example of the female model
You voxed her nips.

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by Jordach » Post

paramat wrote:
Jordach wrote:Is an example of the female model
You voxed her nips.
There's a mauvebic reference if I ever saw one!

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Re: [Game] Big Freaking Dig [Prototype]

by Jordach » Post

Quite a large update:

https://github.com/Jordach/big_freaking ... 9697a47d93


  • Beds
  • Signs
  • Tin Tools
  • Ingot crafting
  • Probably missing things
  • Fixed stair, slab name collisions
  • Mobs
  • Probably things I've done and forgot about.
Last edited by Jordach on Sat Jul 18, 2015 12:42, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: [Game] Big Freaking Dig [0.4]

by Inocudom » Post

I found this error while using torch arrows:
10:09:36: ACTION[ServerThread]: singleplayer uses throwing:bow_diamond, pointing at [nothing]
10:09:37: ERROR[ServerThread]: Map::setNode(): Not allowing to place CONTENT_IGNORE while trying to replace "air" at (28,11,-97) (block (1,0,-7))
10:09:37: ERROR[main]: Map::setNode(): Not allowing to place CONTENT_IGNORE while trying to replace "air" at (28,11,-97) (block (1,0,-7))

Is mese stone supposed to be impossible to break? Even the mese diamond pickaxe can't break it.

No matter what tool is used, the liquid containers take very long to dig up.

Jukebox songs seem to only play once and never loop.

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Re: [Game] Big Freaking Dig [0.4]

by Jordach » Post

Inocudom wrote:I found this error while using torch arrows:
10:09:36: ACTION[ServerThread]: singleplayer uses throwing:bow_diamond, pointing at [nothing]
10:09:37: ERROR[ServerThread]: Map::setNode(): Not allowing to place CONTENT_IGNORE while trying to replace "air" at (28,11,-97) (block (1,0,-7))
10:09:37: ERROR[main]: Map::setNode(): Not allowing to place CONTENT_IGNORE while trying to replace "air" at (28,11,-97) (block (1,0,-7))

Is mese stone supposed to be impossible to break? Even the mese diamond pickaxe can't break it.

No matter what tool is used, the liquid containers take very long to dig up.

Jukebox songs seem to only play once and never loop.
It uses the group, hardened, which is for later (Diamond, Mese and further).

I still haven't implemented the ores yet.

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Re: [Game] Big Freaking Dig [0.4]

by shadowzone » Post

Hiya Jordach thanks for using the screenshot of me for the female player models and great game I rather enjoy the hardcore survival theme.

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Re: [Game] Big Freaking Dig [0.4]

by Inocudom » Post

I tried out Big Freaking Dig in Freeminer and found out that it works.

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Re: [Game] Big Freaking Dig [0.4]

by Jordach » Post

There are many updates and other misc fixes that have occurred, which won't be most of the 0.5 update, as I plan on adding two special mods, mining turtles and MineMIDI.

Mod interaction is going to be emphasized as well.

Interaction meaning all mods items e.g. if there are multiple versions - they get turned into a crafting group for that object, eg, combustion engine in TBM and oil engine in some other mod. The group is group:fuel_engine

I'm attempting at making a version of MTG that is almost consistent with textures, design, mods, etc.

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Re: [Game] Big Freaking Dig [0.4]

by twoelk » Post

Jordach wrote: ...
I'm attempting at making a version of MTG that is almost consistent with textures, design, mods, etc.
You might review your node-naming schem while your at it and things to change might still be small in number ;-)
for example you have/had:
soapstone and soap_stone
snowy_grass but (some)_leaves_snowy
grass1 but (some)_grass_1

all in all I do enjoy playing the game though
- if only them treemonsters wouldn't hunt me down all the time.

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Re: [Game] Big Freaking Dig [0.4]

by TheEpicJames » Post

Could you make a 1.8 skin mod? the are many things that are in games but don't have mods,
Is there any way to disable/enable layers on the 1.8 skin?
Could you add my skin into the list of skins?
player_Block_Guy.png (2.54 KiB) Viewed 4229 times
I'm honestly not sure why I had "I like PIE." in my signature when I don't even really like it that much.

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Re: [Game] Big Freaking Dig [0.4]

by Jordach » Post

Will do it later, currently at my course.

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