[Mod] Air Sword [airsword]

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[Mod] Air Sword [airsword]

by PilzAdam » Post

Hello everyone!
The Air Sword topic was deleted, so I recreated it.
All credit for the code and textures goes to cornernote.

How to install:
  1. Go to your mods folder and create a new folder called "airsword".
  2. In that folder create a file "init.lua", it will automagically have all the code needed.
  3. Then go to the configure dialog of your world and enable the airsword mod.
  4. Start the world and enjoy your Air Sword!


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by kaeza » Post

Your signature is not the place for a blog post. Please keep it as concise as possible. Thank you!

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by Krock » Post

Sweet. Quite overpowered but still nice.
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by twoelk » Post

So once again the test mod is winnable. It shouldn't be too difficult to add this to the Mod Database, once all the requirements for publishing mods are confirmed valid. Does this allready work with 3rd person view?

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by Krock » Post

Hmm the 3d item wield mod seems to support this mod!
Go on with that good work.
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by Achilles » Post

What is an 'Air Sword'?
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by rubenwardy » Post

Achilles wrote:What is an 'Air Sword'?
It is the strongest sword available in Minetest.

You craft it using this recipe:


Where 'A' is air.
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by Achilles » Post

rubenwardy wrote:
Achilles wrote:What is an 'Air Sword'?
It is the strongest sword available in Minetest.

You craft it using this recipe:


Where 'A' is air.
Thanks. If you had the 3D armor mod enabled, do you know how much damage it would do to diamond armor?
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by PilzAdam » Post

Achilles wrote:
rubenwardy wrote:
Achilles wrote:What is an 'Air Sword'?
It is the strongest sword available in Minetest.

You craft it using this recipe:


Where 'A' is air.
Thanks. If you had the 3D armor mod enabled, do you know how much damage it would do to diamond armor?
Full damage.

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by Achilles » Post

1 hit 1 kill?
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by PilzAdam » Post

Achilles wrote:1 hit 1 kill?

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by Achilles » Post

PilzAdam wrote:
Achilles wrote:1 hit 1 kill?
On What?
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by rubenwardy » Post

Achilles wrote:
PilzAdam wrote:
Achilles wrote:1 hit 1 kill?
On What?
On the quality of air you use. And where you hit them.
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by Achilles » Post

rubenwardy wrote:
Achilles wrote:
PilzAdam wrote: Depends.
On What?
On the quality of air you use. And where you hit them.
Oh OK, This seems a GREAT mod. Congratz PilzAdam and cornernote. Will finally be able to kill people wearing Diamond Armor without hitting them 20 times :)
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by Inocudom » Post

Well, I guess it is time for me to state the obvious. This isn't a mod at all.

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by PilzAdam » Post

Inocudom wrote:Well, I guess it is time for me to state the obvious. This isn't a mod at all.
lol noob

Of course its a mod:

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by Inocudom » Post

PilzAdam wrote:
Inocudom wrote:Well, I guess it is time for me to state the obvious. This isn't a mod at all.
lol noob

Of course its a mod:
Then is the air sword in the inventory anywhere? How does an empty init.lua file create anything?

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by Casimir » Post

How does an empty init.lua file create anything?
The air sword is invisible. How should visible code create an invisible sword? Of course you can not see the code.

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by twoelk » Post

Inocudom wrote:
PilzAdam wrote:
Inocudom wrote:Well, I guess it is time for me to state the obvious. This isn't a mod at all.
lol noob

Of course its a mod:
Then is the air sword in the inventory anywhere? How does an empty init.lua file create anything?

You can install the Test-mod and search for dungeon #1337 to get one.
you may not know all the secret switches in the minetest-code and how they are triggered
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by Inocudom » Post

twoelk wrote:
Inocudom wrote:
PilzAdam wrote: lol noob

Of course its a mod:
Then is the air sword in the inventory anywhere? How does an empty init.lua file create anything?

You can install the [url='"https://forum.minetest.net/mmdb/mod/test/"]Test-mod[/url] and search for dungeon #1337 to get one.
you may not know all the secret switches in the minetest-code and how they are triggered
That would make it sort of like a cheat code then.
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by Achilles » Post

Inocudom wrote:Well, I guess it is time for me to state the obvious. This isn't a mod at all.
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Re: [Mod] Air Sword [airsword]

by Kilarin » Post

I've been using this mod ever since PilzAdam was so kind as to post it. And it is AMAZING. One of my complaints with the basic minetest_game has always been that there were no "mobs", no enemy monsters to attack. But when I installed the Air Sword, I found out to my extreme joy that it automatically turns on the built in aerial mobs for the minetest_game!!! These mobs only attack when it is PITCH BLACK, which makes them even more frightening and dangerous.

Just the other evening, I was wandering through a dark cavern at about -500 level, looking for diamonds and mese, when I accidentally stepped off a ledge and fell down half a dozen nodes. The fall was not enough to kill me, but my heart started pounding fast as soon as I realized that I had fallen past the light radius of my last torch. I was in the dark, and the inky blackness around me was crawling with hostile aerial mobs!

Thank goodness for the Air Sword!!! I clicked mightily with it, and at every click an enemy mob died on its windy edge. I kept clicking and slaughtering the evil hoards until I finally made my way back into the blessed light of a lava lake, which (thank goodness!) banished the evil fiends. If it hadn't been for my trusty air sword, I never would have made it back alive.

I have read some complaints about the AI of the lua mobs being clumsy and slowing down minetest. But the aerial mobs tracked me with a tenacious accuracy, and despite being surrounded by dozens of them, I noticed NO lag in the game whatsoever. Perhaps it is the wonderful invisible texture they are painted with that makes them so much more efficient than the other kinds of mobs?

I find it fascinating that these mobs are built in, but can only be activated by some strange event like adding the air sword mob. I wonder if there is anything else that could turn them on? So, if you are wandering around in minetest, and somehow end up lost in the dark, you would do well to proceed with caution. Stop and contemplate the darkness around you carefully. You can't see them, and you can't hear them, but they MIGHT be there, aerial mobs, all around you, closing in on your location at that very moment. And if they are, you had better hope you have an Air Sword handy...

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Re: [Mod] Air Sword [airsword]

by gsmanners » Post

Way too grindy and OP for my taste. :P

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Re: [Mod] Air Sword [airsword]

by HeroOfTheWinds » Post

This bears looking into. If it lives up to the hype, I just might have to make an air pick and an air bow (for throwing)!
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Re: [Mod] Air Sword [airsword]

by stormchaser3000 » Post

Kilarin wrote:I've been using this mod ever since PilzAdam was so kind as to post it. And it is AMAZING. One of my complaints with the basic minetest_game has always been that there were no "mobs", no enemy monsters to attack. But when I installed the Air Sword, I found out to my extreme joy that it automatically turns on the built in aerial mobs for the minetest_game!!! These mobs only attack when it is PITCH BLACK, which makes them even more frightening and dangerous.

Just the other evening, I was wandering through a dark cavern at about -500 level, looking for diamonds and mese, when I accidentally stepped off a ledge and fell down half a dozen nodes. The fall was not enough to kill me, but my heart started pounding fast as soon as I realized that I had fallen past the light radius of my last torch. I was in the dark, and the inky blackness around me was crawling with hostile aerial mobs!

Thank goodness for the Air Sword!!! I clicked mightily with it, and at every click an enemy mob died on its windy edge. I kept clicking and slaughtering the evil hoards until I finally made my way back into the blessed light of a lava lake, which (thank goodness!) banished the evil fiends. If it hadn't been for my trusty air sword, I never would have made it back alive.

I have read some complaints about the AI of the lua mobs being clumsy and slowing down minetest. But the aerial mobs tracked me with a tenacious accuracy, and despite being surrounded by dozens of them, I noticed NO lag in the game whatsoever. Perhaps it is the wonderful invisible texture they are painted with that makes them so much more efficient than the other kinds of mobs?

I find it fascinating that these mobs are built in, but can only be activated by some strange event like adding the air sword mob. I wonder if there is anything else that could turn them on? So, if you are wandering around in minetest, and somehow end up lost in the dark, you would do well to proceed with caution. Stop and contemplate the darkness around you carefully. You can't see them, and you can't hear them, but they MIGHT be there, aerial mobs, all around you, closing in on your location at that very moment. And if they are, you had better hope you have an Air Sword handy...

are you sure you didn't have the mobs mod?

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