[Modpack] Mobsplus and Edited Areas [mobsplusareas-mp]

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[Modpack] Mobsplus and Edited Areas [mobsplusareas-mp]

by HeroOfTheWinds » Post

Due to a friend's server having need of some specialties regarding mobs, namely wanting to have more animals but keep hostile mobs, I made a modpack combining elements of PilzAdam's [mobs] mod (viewtopic.php?f=11&t=3063) and krupnovpavel's [kgpmobs] mod (viewtopic.php?f=9&t=8798). Between the two, the following mobs are available:
  • Hostile: Dirt Monster, Tree Monster, Sand Monster, Stone Monster, Oerkki, Dungeon Master, and Wolf
  • Peaceful: Boar, Sheep, Chicken, Cow, Horses (all original varieties), and Rat
In spite of this, I found it strange that every mob dropped the same meat except rats, so I made my own meat mod: mobmeat. This has raw and cooked meat for all the above animals barring the wolf, who will drop lamb. (Think of it as the leftovers from his last prey. Might change this to fur in the future.) All meat can be cooked.

However, instead of stopping there, we decided we needed a way to keep hostile mobs out of places that should be peaceful without having to place lights all over God's creation. So, I took ShadowNinja's [areas] mod (viewtopic.php?f=11&t=7239) and added a few functions to allow for basic setting of what mobs can appear in your areas. After creating an area, use the command '/area_mobs <id> <type>' to set what will appear. <id> is the id of the area, not the name, and <type> can be "hostile", "peaceful", "all", or "none". The default when not set is "all". Note that due to this, expansions to this mod require an additional argument to mobs.register_mob() to tell the engine whether the mod is hostile or peaceful.

Code: Select all

mobs:register_spawn("mobsplus:dirt_monster", {"default:dirt_with_grass"}, 3, -1, 7000, 3, 31000, "hostile")
I hope you enjoy this modpack, and if you have suggestions, I will happily hear them.

areas: LGPLv2+
mobsplus: WTFPL
mobmeat: WTFPL

The original license for kpgmobs was The MIT License (MIT) https://www.dropbox.com/s/mij0dptwvvztl5b/README.txt

GitHub: https://github.com/HeroOfTheWinds/mobs- ... ack-master
Download: https://github.com/HeroOfTheWinds/mobs- ... master.zip

Screenshots coming soon!
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Re: [Modpack] Mobsplus and Edited Areas [mobsplusareas-mp]

by Sokomine » Post

Good idea! That way, you can have peaceful mobs in town and aggressive ones in the wilderness. What do your mobs do when they cross a border, i.e. invade a peaceful zone?

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Re: [Modpack] Mobsplus and Edited Areas [mobsplusareas-mp]

by HeroOfTheWinds » Post

When mobs cross a border, they get destroyed/deleted. Seemed like the lightest on logic processing load, although I suppose I could make them turn back or something.
After looking back through the threads for both the mob mods that this borrows from, I plan to change one thing later today, that being separating the individual mobs into their own lua files to facilitate enabling certain ones. I also want to look at the creatures mod to see how hard it would be to port the zombies and maybe even ghosts.

Farther down the line, I intend to add some of my own mobs, hoping to add functionality for flying mobs to populate the skylands. (That doesn't mean this framework can support an Ender Dragon though...) Ideas for mobs are appreciated, I know Blender and I also am watching the mob concept-art thread.
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Re: [Modpack] Mobsplus and Edited Areas [mobsplusareas-mp]

by TenPlus1 » Post

Would be nice to add Zeg's Zmobs also: viewtopic.php?id=5820

If you are designing your own mobs then could I recommend a rabbit, something simple that could be kept as a pet... Also spawners or spawn eggs would ne a nice touch...

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Re: [Modpack] Mobsplus and Edited Areas [mobsplusareas-mp]

by HeroOfTheWinds » Post

TenPlus1 wrote:Would be nice to add Zeg's Zmobs also: viewtopic.php?id=5820

If you are designing your own mobs then could I recommend a rabbit, something simple that could be kept as a pet... Also spawners or spawn eggs would ne a nice touch...
Yeah, I remember seeing those mobs a while back, thanks for reminding me of them! I'll add the Lava Flan and Mese Monster, but not the spiders, seeing as they are not particularly useful either as enemies or pets. Zeg's mod also has a spawn egg function, so I'll include that and add eggs for all the other mobs currently here. Mob spawners is also a great idea, especially since I was wanting a way to create a "monster house" style trap on one server. I'll go about it two ways: first way is to spawn a mob when the node is punched, second way is, if mesecons is installed, spawn a mob when a mesecons signal is received.

I'm currently a little too busy to make a rabbit, but I'll keep that in mind for somewhere down the line. I also need to study up a bit more on how to structure Blender models (exported to .x of course) for use with Minetest.
I'll see about implementing some of these changes after I finish my lockpicks mod.
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Re: [Modpack] Mobsplus and Edited Areas [mobsplusareas-mp]

by HeroOfTheWinds » Post

Alright, a bit late, but better a little late than never.

I have done two things in this update: split up the files into a separate lua file for each mob, to facilitate enabling/disabling particular mobs; and add the Mese Monster and Lava Flan from [zmobs]. I have spawn eggs for both the new mobs, but I still need to create textures and implement spawn eggs for all the rest of the mobs.

Also, I want a vote here. Does anyone want me to add in the Water Dragon currently being discussed in the Mob Showcasing Thread?
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Re: [Modpack] Mobsplus and Edited Areas [mobsplusareas-mp]

by Excalibur Zero » Post

HeroOfTheWinds wrote:Also, I want a vote here. Does anyone want me to add in the Water Dragon currently being discussed in the Mob Showcasing Thread?
I'd like to see the Water Dragon added.

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Re: [Modpack] Mobsplus and Edited Areas [mobsplusareas-mp]

by byronarn » Post

This mod sounds really great. I can't get it to load though. Apparently there is no init.lua file inside.
13:44:01: ERROR[main]: ========== ERROR FROM LUA ===========
13:44:01: ERROR[main]: Failed to load and run script from
13:44:01: ERROR[main]: /home/byron/.minetest/mods/mobsplus/init.lua:
13:44:01: ERROR[main]: cannot open /home/byron/.minetest/mods/mobsplus/init.lua: No such file or directory
13:44:01: ERROR[main]: ======= END OF ERROR FROM LUA ========
13:44:01: ERROR[main]: Server: Failed to load and run /home/byron/.minetest/mods/mobsplus/init.lua
13:44:01: ERROR[main]: ModError: ModError: Failed to load and run /home/byron/.minetest/mods/mobsplus/init.lua

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Re: [Modpack] Mobsplus and Edited Areas [mobsplusareas-mp]

by HeroOfTheWinds » Post

Ah, I believe that's because this is a modpack, not a single mod. To get it to work, just stick an empty file in the folder titled "modpack.txt".

I'll try to find time to update the repo to fix the problem, but it may be a while.
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