ContentDB: ... /protector
License: Code: MIT, Media: CC0 / CC-BY-SA 3.0
Lucky Blocks: 10
- Placing a Protector protects a defined area around itself (set by protector.radius)
- Also protects signs from other people changing text and screwdriver from rotating nodes
- Punching a Protector shows protected area as a coloured field which disappears after 10 seconds
- Using a Protector as a tool shows information on that area to see if someone already owns it
- Right-clicking a Protector allows you to share the area with other users, enter nick (exactly) and hit enter
- Users with 'protection_bypass' privelage can bypass protection which is handy for admin
- This mod is a drop-in replacement for current Protector mod by Zeg9
- Protection Logo's (can be placed around your build without looking out of place)
- Protected Wood and Steel Doors (only players on list can open)
- Protected Chests (as above, only players on list can access chest)
Code: Select all
S = Stone, W = Wood, I = Steel Ingot, C = Copper Ingot, G = Gold Ingot, B = Protector
Protection Protected Protected Protected Protector
Block Wood Door Steel Door Chest Tool
+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+ +-+-+-+ +-+-+-+ +-+-+-+
|s|s|s| | |w|w| | |i|i| |w|w|w| |i|i|i|
+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+ +-+-+-+ +-+-+-+ +-+-+-+
|s|g|s| | |w|c| | |i|c| |w|c|w| |i|B|i|
+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+ +-+-+-+ +-+-+-+ +-+-+-+
|s|s|s| | |w|w| | |i|i| |w|w|w| |i|i|i|
+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+ +-+-+-+ +-+-+-+ +-+-+-+
Note: Place protector block into crafting to return protector logo and vice versa.
protector_radius = 5
- Sets the area around each protection node so that other players cannot dig, place or enter through protected doors or chests.
protector_pvp = true
- true or false this setting disabled pvp inside of protected areas for all players apart from those listed on the protector node.
protector_night_pvp = true
- true or false this setting enables pvp in all areas at night time only except for spawn protection.
protector_spawn = 10
- Protect an area 10 nodes around static spawnpoint.
protector_hurt = 2
- When set to above 0, players digging in protected areas will be hurt by 2 health points (or whichever number it's set to)
protector_flip = true
- When true players who dig inside a protected area will flipped around to stop them using lag to grief into someone else's build