Right now, it still is in development, but it has enough basic functionality to be worth posting, and development is proceeding quickly. There is currently no set up at all on the player's end, you just have to put the mod in and enable it. It has been extensively tested with watershed and skylands, but regular mapgenv7 environments are still experimental, as they use 2D perlin noise parameters instead of the 3D noise used by the aforementioned mods.
Version 0.2 UPDATE:
- Now compatible with 2D noise-based mgv7 (basically, default mgv7).
- Formula for determining the display value of temperature and humidity in skylands and watershed has been reworked, temperatures now range from -35 C to +35 C. Humidity is in percentage.
- Automatic check for installed mods and currently used mapgen.

Download: https://github.com/HeroOfTheWinds/tempi ... master.zip (Unzip, rename to 'tempidity', and place in mods folder)
GitHub: https://github.com/HeroOfTheWinds/tempidity
Planned changes:
- Allow display to be turned on and off, either via chat-command or by later having a thermometer item that must be in the inventory
- See if a faster method of determining temp/humidity at a position can be developed
- Have a more believable range of temperatures than current for 2D noisegen (71.5 degrees Celsius is not habitable!)
- Make sure there is compatibility across all mgv7-using mods/games