[Mod] Mobs Redo [1.62] [mobs]
Re: [Mod] Mobs Redo [1.60] [mobs]
@TenPlus1, thank you for the hint. mobs_monster was not up to date. No error any more.
Only the horse while riding is still stopping in front of blocks and snow layers. I have to press jump key to get on. mob_horse is latest version.
Only the horse while riding is still stopping in front of blocks and snow layers. I have to press jump key to get on. mob_horse is latest version.
CFS - still widely unknown
Re: [Mod] Mobs Redo [1.60] [mobs]
@Nordal - That's normal behaviour when riding mobs, you can only step up as high as the stepheight value, but I have increased it a tiny bit to allow riders to step up onto snow (will only work for newly saddled horses).
Re: [Mod] Mobs Redo [1.60] [mobs]
Thanks a lot! So far I didn't have to press jump riding with high speed (diamond horse shoes). :)
CFS - still widely unknown
- Added mob_class:is_inside(itemtable) function.
- Fire/Lava damage happens if any part of mob collisionbox is touched.
- Fixed mob damage when riding mob and tidied mount code.
- Fire/Lava damage happens if any part of mob collisionbox is touched.
- Fixed mob damage when riding mob and tidied mount code.
Re: [Mod] Mobs Redo [1.60] [mobs]
Used the people mob Warrior.b3d and scaled it to make a Giant_Warrior.b3d
The collisionbox is tricky had to spawn them underwater and float up so the collisionbox doesnt get stuck underground.
Used the people mob Warrior.b3d and scaled it to make a Giant_Warrior.b3d
The collisionbox is tricky had to spawn them underwater and float up so the collisionbox doesnt get stuck underground.
Re: [Mod] Mobs Redo [1.60] [mobs]
@yona - How did you scale them up ? Try using visual_size to scale them and then collisionbox to properly surround the newly scaled model so that they spawn ok on land.
- Add 'self.attack_patience' to mob definition so mobs can give up attack after a set time
- Mobs stop attacking when player isn't in view for above value (default is 11 seconds)
- Code tidy and tweak
- Mobs stop attacking when player isn't in view for above value (default is 11 seconds)
- Code tidy and tweak
- Added error message for any broken mob definitions when trying to spawn.
- Added 'homing' setting to mob definition so that arrows can follow players when seen.
Updated to Version 1.61:
- Added support for visual_harm_1ndicators mob to show health bars.
Re: [Mod] Mobs Redo [1.61] [mobs]
I have a little problem. When the mobs spawn, and I change of place, the untaimed mobs have disappeared :( !
My server : - My website : http://minetest.amelieonline.net
Re: [Mod] Mobs Redo [1.61] [mobs]
@amelaye - That's normal behaviour, you can change the 'remove_far_mobs' setting to stop them despawning when you move out of an area, but mobs will still have a lifetimer and will eventually despawn unless tamed.
- Mob arrows now use raycasting to be more accurate.
Re: [Mod] Mobs Redo [1.61] [mobs]
Can lava flans spawn on the surface during daytime?
- Mobs Monsters updated to fix Obsidian Flan arrows.
@wthree3s - Lava Flan's can spawn on top of a lava node from y=0 and below.
@wthree3s - Lava Flan's can spawn on top of a lava node from y=0 and below.
Re: [Mod] Mobs Redo [1.61] [mobs]
I can't have mobs with nametags anymore, most likely since
- Changed nametags from self.nametag to self._nametag with backwards compatibility check
- Moved nametag variable to self._nametag
How would I add nametags to monsters? Neither the old nametag = "Mobname" nor the new _nametag = "Mobname" works. That's what it looks like:
mobs:register_mob("mymod:mymob", {
_nametag = "Mobname",
type = "npc",
- Changed nametags from self.nametag to self._nametag with backwards compatibility check
- Moved nametag variable to self._nametag
How would I add nametags to monsters? Neither the old nametag = "Mobname" nor the new _nametag = "Mobname" works. That's what it looks like:
mobs:register_mob("mymod:mymob", {
_nametag = "Mobname",
type = "npc",
Whatever I say is CC0
Re: [Mod] Mobs Redo [1.61] [mobs]
@Bastrabun - Tamed mobs can still be named using nametags, or any mob can be named by adding nametag = "mob name", in the mob definition, or you can name a new mob when using mobs:add_mob() by supplying nametag flag, or by affecting the entity itself using entity:update_tag("new name") or as a last call changing self.nametag or self._nametag directly.
- Should I increase the spawn rate for Animals and Monsters by default ??
- If so, suggestions are welcome :)
- If so, suggestions are welcome :)
- Member
- Posts: 174
- Joined: Sat Mar 27, 2021 22:06
- In-game: DOOM_possum
Re: [Mod] Mobs Redo [1.61] [mobs]
not if they are all over the MAP
That would only work well in VALLEY generation, otherwise there will be too many, so just very slightly
That would only work well in VALLEY generation, otherwise there will be too many, so just very slightly
- Added Pint Sized Rune so players can punch tamed animals and shrink them to baby sizes for good.
- Craft above using 1x Pint Sized Potion (lucky blocks mod) and 1x Protection Rune.
- Craft above using 1x Pint Sized Potion (lucky blocks mod) and 1x Protection Rune.
Re: [Mod] Mobs Redo [1.61] [mobs] and glow in the dark
Thanks TenPlus1 on all the work you did/do on this mod and the many others!
Could you add a global setting in the Mobs Redo Settings menu that can turn off/override mobs glowing in the dark? I tried looking in the api.lua file for it and could not find it. Can you point me in the right direction on how to turn this setting off for all mobs?
Thanks in advance!
Could you add a global setting in the Mobs Redo Settings menu that can turn off/override mobs glowing in the dark? I tried looking in the api.lua file for it and could not find it. Can you point me in the right direction on how to turn this setting off for all mobs?
Thanks in advance!
Re: [Mod] Mobs Redo [1.61] [mobs]
Any mob definition that has a 'glow' setting will make it glow in the dark, like lava flan. Which mobs are you wanting to disable this effect for ?
Re: [Mod] Mobs Redo [1.61] [mobs]
All animals in LiiL's Wilhelminas Animal World mod glow in the dark. The only other mods I'm using are stu's 3D Armor and runs' Climaz. It's weird seeing all the animals glow in the dark like they're irradiated. :D
Re: [Mod] Mobs Redo [1.61] [mobs]
@xifu - Just finished testing Mobs Redo with Animals, Monsters and Wilhelms Animal World and none of the mobs glow in the dark apart from the Lava Flan which should.
Could you please tell me which Minetest client version you are using and on what system ?
Also are they full on glowing or slightly glowing on land under the moonlight ?
Could you please tell me which Minetest client version you are using and on what system ?
Also are they full on glowing or slightly glowing on land under the moonlight ?